XIV International scientific conference of young scientists, undergraduate, master, and PhD students took place at ISEI BSU

     On December 5-6, XIV International scientific conference of young scientists, undergraduate, master, and PhD students «Actual environmental problems» took place at ISEI BSU. Young scientists, undergraduate, master, and PhD students of our Institute participated in the conference.  …

School of environmental education for implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Belarus

     Project № 2240116044 «School of environmental education for implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Belarus» was completed by International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University (further – ISEI BSU) in December 2023 with active…

XII International scientific conference of young scientists, students, master students, and PhD students «Actual environmental problems»

     On November 30, 2023, grand opening of XII International scientific conference of young scientists, students, master students, and PhD students «Actual environmental problems» took place. Germenchuk Maria G., Deputy Director for Science, Kurilov Valery V., Deputy Director of…