On June 11, 2024, there was a meeting with the authorities of Alfraganus University (Tashkent, the Republic of Uzbekistan) in ISEI BSU. The Parties discussed the development of cooperation areas between the universities. ISEI BSU…
From May 27, 2024 to June 01, 2024, the ISEI BSU delegation was on a business trip to the People’s Republic of China. The delegation consisted of Rodzkin Aleh I., Director, Zhuravkov V. V., Deputy Director…
Meeting with the representatives of Mugla Sitki Kocman University
ISEI BSU representatives: Rodzkin Aleh I.,Director of ISEI BSU, Zhuravkov Vladislav V Deputy Director for Education, Germenchuk Maria G., Deputy Director for Science, Sysa Alexei G., Dean of Environmental Medicine Faculty, Tonkonogov Boris A., Dean of Environmental Monitoring…
School of environmental education for implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Belarus
Project № 2240116044 «School of environmental education for implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Belarus» was completed by International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University (further – ISEI BSU) in December 2023 with active…
On December 27, students, who completed the program «Medical and Biological Science» majoring in «Applied Immunology» (English), were awarded master degree. Iraqi graduates, Saeed Mohammed Abdulrahman Saeed and Hameed Ammar Majeed Hameed, obtained a…
XII International scientific conference of young scientists, students, master students, and PhD students «Actual environmental problems»
On November 30, 2023, grand opening of XII International scientific conference of young scientists, students, master students, and PhD students «Actual environmental problems» took place. Germenchuk Maria G., Deputy Director for Science, Kurilov Valery V., Deputy Director of…
Director of ISEI BSU visited the University of Belgrade (Serbia) within a cooperation agreement
There was a business meeting of Rodzkin Oleg I., Director of ISEI BSU with the Administration and the Deans of the University of Belgrade. Oleg Ivanovich briefly spoke about our Institute, discussed issues and…
Meeting of the Public Council of a Base Organization of the CIS states-members on environmental education
On May 19, 2023, there was a regular meeting of the Public Council of a Base Organization of the CIS states-members on environmental education in ISEI BSU. The meeting was held both in person and online. …
Conference closing took place in the Institute
On May 19, 2023, there was a closing of the 23rd International Scientific Conference «Sakharov Readings 2023: environmental problems of the XXI century». 208 participants from near and far abroad presented their reports at 9 sections…
«Sakharov Readings» has started in the Institute
On May 18, 2023, the 23rd International Scientific Conference «Sakharov Readings 2023: environmental problems of the XXI century» has begun its work. Main purpose is to discuss relevant environmental issues of the Republic…