Specialty code | Branch, a group of specialties, a specialty |
03.00.00 Biological Sciences | |
03.01.01 | Radiobiology |
03.01.02 | Biophysics |
03.01.04 | Biochemistry |
03.02.08 | Ecology (by branches) |
03.03.02 | Anthropology |
14.00.00 Medical Sciences | |
14.03.09 | Clinical Immunology, Allergology |
05.00.00 Technical Sciences | |
05.11.10 | Equipments and methods to measure ionizing radiation and x-ray devices |
05.11.13 | Equipments and methods for monitoring the natural environment, substances, materials and products |
05.13.18 | Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages |
13.00.00 Pedagogical Sciences | |
13.00.02 | Theory and methodology of training and education (by fields and levels of education) |
Specialty code | Branch, a group of specialties, a specialty |
03.00.00 Biological Sciences | |
03.02.08 | Ecology (by branches) |
International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University announces admission to a postgraduate course in 2024
Highly-qualified researcher training at a postgraduate course of ISEI BSU is provided on a fee paid basis and on a contractual basis at the expense of the Republican budget.
Soiskatelstvo (visiting degree training), for the purpose of passing PhD exams and credits, is on a fee paid basis only.
Persons with postgraduate education (the republican budget) regardless of education form are not eligible for a second postgraduate education of the same level at the expense of the republican budget.
Duration of study at a postgraduate course: full time no more than 3 years, correspondence form no more than 4 years, soiskatelstvo no more than 5 years.
Document submission is from August 1 to September 30, 2024.
Entrance exams will be carried out from October 1 to October 21, 2024.
Training starts on November 1, 2024.
Persons with a higher education diploma are eligible for a postgraduate course who have inclination for scientific research, confirmed by scientific publications, participation in research and innovation projects, conferences or other materials.
To obtain a qualification «Researcher» in a full time or correspondence form, applicants must pass PhD exams and credits in general education disciplines before entering a postgraduate course.
Persons with a higher pedagogical education and work experience in the field of education no less than two years are eligible for pedagogical sciences specialties. Applicants for full time or correspondence form have to pass an entrance exam in a discipline in the curriculum of the I stage of higher education. To obtain a PhD degree in the form of soiskatelstvo applicants don’t need to pass an entrance exam.
Documents required to apply for a postgraduate course (according to the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated on July 19, 2012, № 05-15/163, see also the Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated on June 12, 2012, № 62 «On the list of documents submitted by persons entering a postgraduate course, doctorate»):
• application of the established sample addressed to the Director of ISEI BSU;
• personnel sheet∗;
• autobiography∗;
• passport copy (with registration);
• medical certificate of the established form by the Ministry of Health;
• bachelor’s degree copy and copy of diploma transcripts, master’s degree copy and copy of diploma transcripts;
• document copies on passing PhD exams for persons entering full time or correspondence form of a postgraduate course;
• employment history copy certified at the place of work (for employees);
• recommendations of Academic Council or the faculty of higher education institution (for applicants to obtain a qualification «Researcher»). Master’s thesis topic should be indicated in the recommendation, applicant’s participation in scientific practical events (conferences, workshops, etc.), publications, patents and so on;
• customer-organization application;
• two envelopes with a return address of an applicant;
• three photos 4х6;
• list and copies of published works, if no – a scientific abstract in a major of a chosen specialty (volume is 16 pages, 39,2 thousands of characters with spaces, interval – 1,5);
• a loose-leaf binder.
Persons, who don’t have published scientific papers, inventions or patents, submit scientific abstracts (papers) in a chosen topic according to the specialty.
An applicant must personally provide a passport, an education certificate, original documents on passing PhD exams.
∗It is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Instruction on the procedure for the formation, maintenance and storage of personal files of employees, approved by the resolution of the Committee on Archives and Records Management under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated on March 26, 2004, N 2 (National register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004, N 58, 8/10795).
Volume is 16 pages, 39,2 thousands of characters with spaces, interval – 1,5 (format A4, font – Times New Roman, size – 14), on a chosen topic according to the specialty.
A front page is the first page of an abstract. It should contain a full name of an educational institution (Enternational Sakaharov Environmental Institute of BSU), a topic of an abstract, author’s surname, a place and year of writing. The next page numbered №2 on the top should have contents with the titles of each chapter indicating pages.
Page margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm, bottom 2 cm, top – 2 cm to page number. Interval – 1,5. Font – Times New Roman Cyr or Arial Cyr, size -14 pt.
Each structural part of the abstract (introduction, main part, conclusion, etc.) begins on a new page. The distance between the chapter of the text following it, as well as between the chapter and the paragraph is 2 intervals.
After the title, located in the middle of the line, do not put a period. Heading underlining and hyphenation in heading words are not allowed. Abstract pages are numbered in ascending order. Page numbers are placed at the top in the middle of the sheet.
The title page of the abstract is included in the general numbering, but the page number is not indicated on it (this does not apply to the content of the abstract).
Abstract structure
The section should contain the statement of the problem within the framework of the chosen scientific topic and the rationale for the choice of the problem, its relevance, novelty.
The introduction gives a brief description of the topic under study, substantiates its relevance, the author’s personal interest in its study, notes the practical significance of studying this issue, where it can be used. It also lists the specific tasks to be solved in accordance with the goal. When formulating them, for example, such verbs are used: study … identify … establish … etc. The volume of the introduction is approximately 1/10 of the total volume of work.
The introduction is a crucial part of the work, a kind of its calling card. But it is better to write the full text of the introduction after the work on the main part is completed, when the results of the abstracting are clearly visible.
Main part
This section should cover the topic.
In the main part, usually divided into chapters, it is necessary to disclose all the points of the drawn up plan, to coherently present the accumulated and analyzed material. The essence of the problem, different points of view on it, the own position of the author of the abstract are stated. It is important to ensure that the main idea put forward in the introduction permeates the entire work, and all material is aimed at revealing the main tasks. Each section of the main part should open with a specific task and end with brief conclusions.
In the conclusion, the results of the entire work are summed up, conclusions are summarized that contain clear answers to the questions posed for the purpose of the study, own generalizations are made (sometimes taking into account different points of view on the problem presented), new things that have been obtained as a result of work on this topic are noted. The conclusion should not exceed the length of the introduction. Typical mistakes should be avoided: less secondary material, avoidance of the problem, categorical and variegated presentation, poor or too scientific language, inaccurate quoting, lack of references to the source.
Literature list
The list of used literature completes the work. It records only those sources with which the author of the abstract worked. The list is compiled in alphabetical order by the names of authors or titles of books. If there are several works by the same author, their titles are arranged according to the year of publication. If separate pages from the book were involved, they are indicated. Foreign sources (published in a foreign language) are listed at the end of the entire list.
Contents (abstract title)
Contents (title) of the abstract is a list of the chapters of the abstract, indicating the pages of their location. The wording of the table of contents should exactly repeat the headings of chapters and subchapters, paragraphs in the text, be concise and understandable.
Abstract pages should be laid out in the following order:
1. Title page
2. Headings
3. Introduction (Justification of the chosen topic)
4. Main part
5. Conclusion
6. Literature list
7. Attachments (if any)
The abstract must be neatly formatted. A creative approach is welcome when writing an abstract (illustrations, applications, etc.). Below are the requirements to submit an abstract.
Abstract language
The language of the abstract should be simple and understandable. The style of written scientific speech is an impersonal monologue, so the presentation is usually conducted in the second person plural: “We believe …”.
Scientific terminology should be used where necessary. The meaning of incomprehensible terms must be explained (in brackets or footnotes). Indirect statements of the author’s position are allowed: “As it seems …”, “It seems that …”, “In our opinion …”. The following expressions are used as linguistic means of communication in the text: first of all …, therefore …, nevertheless …, let’s dwell on …, firstly … etc. The language and style of the prepared work best of all makes it possible to judge the general culture of the author.
Application for admission to a postgraduate course
On admission issues contact the Head of a Postgraduate Course – Shushket Ekaterina
Address: 220040, Minsk, Dolgobrodskaya str., 23/1, room 214
Phone: +375 (17) 378 93 44.