Tonkonogov Boris Alexandrovich
PhD in Technical Sciences
Phone: +375 (25) 648-80-45
E-mail: fmos@iseu.by
Address: Minsk, Dolgobrodskaya str., 20
rooms 203,205,207
Phone: +375 (25) 648-80-45
E-mail: fmos@iseu.by
Working hours:
Mon-Thu – 8:30 – 13:00, 13:45 – 17:30
Fri – 8:30 – 13:00, 13:30 – 16:00
Day of correspondence course – 9:00 -15:00
Emelianenko Irina Anatolievna,
Leading specialist
Deputy Dean for Ideological and Educational Work:
Emelianenko Natalia Vladimirovna
Phone: +375 (25) 648-80-45
E-mail: fmos@iseu.by

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1-100 01 01 “Nuclear and Radiation Safety”, qualification “Engineer”; Students obtain skills in ensuring nuclear and radiation safety of personnel and the public; accounting and control of nuclear materials at nuclear power plants and in their sanitary protection zones; safe use of ionizing radiation sources; individual dosimetric monitoring and monitoring of the radiation situation during radiation-hazardous work. Graduates are ready to work in organizations of the Ministry of Energy; at enterprises that use ionizing radiation sources; and at the national Academy of Sciences of Belarus. |
1-40 05 01-07 “Information Systems and Technologies (in healthcare)”, qualification “Software Engineer”; 1-40 05 01-06 “Information Systems and Technologies (in ecology)”, qualification “Environmental Software Engineer”. Students study operating systems and databases; object-oriented programming; systems and technologies of intelligent data processing. Students acquire skills design and development of SOFTWARE for information processing systems; adaptation and implementation of software systems and technologies in ecology/healthcare; adjustment, diagnostics and repair of hardware and software; operation and configuration of information security systems. | ![]() |
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1-31 04 05 “Medical Physics”, qualification “Medical Physicist”; Students study Physics (advanced-optics, atomic and nuclear physics); biological and medical physics; fundamentals of medicine; physical methods of diagnosis and treatment used in medicine (including nuclear medicine); Students acquire skills in working on special equipment used mainly in Oncology and medical radiology for diagnostic and treatment purposes. A medical physicist prepares the appropriate equipment, treatment procedure, or research. During radiation therapy, he calculates an individual safe dose and conducts radiation treatment of patients. He is responsible for the safe use of ionizing radiation for medical purposes. |
1-33 01 07 “Environmental Protection Activities” in the following areas: “Environmental Management and Expertise”, “Environmental Monitoring”, qualification “Ecologist. Environmental Engineer”; Students study industrial ecology and rational use of natural resources; expertise of ecological and economic systems, processing, neutralization and disposal of industrial waste. Students acquire skills in assessing environmental impact; designing standard measures for nature protection; conducting environmental expertise of various types of project analysis; environmental audit, etc. Graduates are ready to work in organizations of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, industrial enterprises, transport and communications, housing and communal services, research centers. | ![]() |
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1-43 01 06 “Energy Efficient Technologies and Energy Management”, qualification “Energy Manager Engineer”; Students study technologies and devices to convert various types of energy; power supply systems for enterprises, buildings and structures; methodology to evaluate the efficiency of using renewable energy sources. Students acquire skills in development and implementation of energy-efficient technologies in various sectors of the national economy; conducting a system energy analysis of enterprises; monitoring and accounting for the consumption of fuel and energy resources and monitoring their effective use. Graduates are ready to work in the energy departments and services of various enterprises and organizations of industry, forestry, transport, construction, research centers, etc. |
- Laboratory of mechanics.
- Laboratory of thermodynamics and molecular physics, Laboratory of optics, quantum physics.
- Laboratory of electricity and magnetism.
- Laboratory of nuclear spectrometry.
- Laboratory of radiochemistry.
- Dosimetry laboratory.
- Laboratory of nuclear physics.
- Laboratory of continuum mechanics.
- Laboratory of instrumental methods of analysis.
- Laboratory of remote sensing methods.
- Laboratory of electronics and environmental Informatics.
- Laboratory for accounting, control and regulation of energy resources.
- Laboratory of heat engineering.
- Laboratory of renewable energy sources.
- Laboratory of biogas (hydro-, wind-, solar) power engineering.
Number of lecturers:
The faculty has 83 full-time lecturers (including 3 Doctors and 20 PhDs) and 35 external part-timers (including 1 Doctor and 11 PhDs).
Number of students and undergraduates enrolled:
1st year: 95 (full-time) 2nd year: 83 (full-time), 14 (correspondence form) 3rd year: 84 (full-time), 26 (correspondence form) 4th year: 89 (full-time), 51 (correspondence form) 5th year: 75 (full-time), 43 (correspondence form) 6th year: 25(full-time), 44 (correspondence form) Undergraduates: 1-day training, 9 (1st year) and 4 (2nd year) – remote study.
Student rating
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year
International cooperation of the faculty nowadays
International projects TEMPUS HS (2012-2015) and TEMPUS EcoBRU (2013-2015) are being implemented, aimed at developing training programs for II stage higher education specialists and retraining specialists in the field of environmental safety.
International cooperation:
- Novi Sad University (Serbia);
- Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Irkutsk State Institute” (the Russian Federation);
- Russian state hydrometeorological University, Saint Petersburg;
- Joint Institute for nuclear research Dubna, the Russian Federation;
- Yaroslavl Agricultural Academy (the Russian Federation);
- Higher technical school, Osnabrück;
- The environmental protection Foundation named after Zuhov, Greiswald, Germany.
- “Development of radiochemical methods for rapid determination of strontium-90 in food and radionuclides of the proposed stability island of the periodic table around element 114” in collaboration with Langrock office, Germany;
- “Chemical technologies and materials, natural resource potential”, subprograms “Natural resource potential “Section” Radiation, ecology and technosphere”;
- International Belarusian-Ukrainian project “Biosafety and problems of mutual adaptation of natural and artificial nanostructures in Biomedicine and genetics: natural science and bioethical aspects”(2013-2015), implemented under the agreement between the BRFFI and International Sakharov Environmental University No. B13K-061 dated on April 16, 2013. Coordinator – Ph.D., Associate Professor T. V. Mishatkina. The aim of the project is to carry out a natural science and bioethical analysis of the possibilities and prospects for mutual adaptation of natural and artificial nanostructures in Biomedicine and genetics in the context of ensuring human and nature Biosafety. According to the contract, stages 4-8 of the project were completed in 2014. The interim annual report was submitted and approved by the BRFFI in March 2014.
Also, the faculty’s research is developing in the following areas::
- Development of the basics and creation of a prototype of an automated system with elements of artificial intelligence to generate possible structures and stereoisomers of complex transition metal compounds;
- Technical aspects of environmental education in the field of renewable energy.