🔗About the terms of additional tuition fees
Dear first-year student! If you have any questions about tuition fees, please, contact: (017) 299 00 10 (Accounting Department)
Recipient – ISEI BSU, UNP 100626652
Recipient Bank-JSC Belagroprombank, 3 Zhukova ave., Minsk, 220036
BIC (code) – BAPBBY2X
Checking account – BY42BAPB36329257300100000000
Tuition fees for the 2022/2023 academic year as of 21.07.2022
1. Full-time study
by specialty:
- 1-33 01 05 “Medical Ecology”;
- 1-80 02 01 “Medical and Biological Science”;
1st year – 4 481 rubles 99 kopecks / year for a student;
2nd-4th year – 4088 rubles 05 kopecks / year for a student;
Graduate year – 3059 rubles 77 kopecks / year for a student;
- 1-31 04 05 ” Medical Physics”;
- 1-40 05 01 06 “Information Systems and Technologies (in ecology)”;
- 1-40 05 01 07 “Information Systems and Technologies (in healthcare)”;
- 1-43 01 06 “Energy Efficient Technologies and Energy Management”;
- 1-100 01 01 “Nuclear and Radiation Safety”;
- “Environmental Protection Activities” :
- 1-33 01 07 02 “Environmental Monitoring”;
- 1-33 01 07 01 “Environmental Management and Expertise»
1st-4th year – 3 898 rubles 24 kopecks / year for a student;
Graduate year – 2 923 rubles 99 kopecks / year for a student;
2. Correspondence form
by specialty:
- 1-33 01 05 “Medical Ecology”:
1st year – 1 847 rubles 62 kopecks / year for a student;
2nd-4th year – 1 510 rubles 40 kopecks / year for a student;
Graduate year – 1 154 rubles 82 kopecks / year for a student;
3. II stage of higher education:
- 1-33 80 01 “Ecology”;
- 1-33 80 05 “Medical and Biological Science”;
- 1-31 80 23 “Bioinformatics”.
1st year – 3 474 rubles 70 kopecks / year for a student;
- 1-31 80 22 “Medical physics”;
1st year – 3 474 rubles 70 kopecks / year for a student;
2nd year – 1737 rubles 30 kopecks / year for a student;
Correspondence form:
- 1-33 80 01 “Ecology”;
- 1-33 80 05 “Medical and Biological Science”;
- 1-31 80 22 “Medical physics”.
1st year – 1 667 rubles 81 kopecks / year for a student;
2nd year – 1 417 rubles 75 kopecks / year for a student;
4. I stage of higher education(shortened form of study for special secondary educational institutions):
- 1-43 01 06 “Energy Efficient Technologies and Energy Management”;
3rd year – 1438 rubles 52 kopecks / year for a student;
4th year – 1,221 rubles 55 kopecks / year for a student;
Graduate year – 1049 rubles 84 kopecks / year for a student;
- 1-33 01 05 ” Medical ecology” (shortened form);
2nd year – 1,679 rubles 62 kopecks / year for a student;
3rd-4th year – 1,373 rubles 09 kopecks / year for a student;
Graduate year – 629 rubles 89 kopecks / year for a student;
Payment by ERIP system
The “Calculation” System – The automated Information System of the Unified Settlement and Information Space (AIS erip) was created by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus in order to simplify the organization of accepting payments from individuals and legal entities. (the system’s website – www.raschet.by, contact center phone number-141)
The “Settlement” system allows you to make payments in any convenient place, at a convenient time, at a convenient banking service point – ATM, information kiosk, Internet banking, Bank cash Desk, using mobile banking, etc. (full list of banking service points).
You can pay for our goods/services using cash, electronic money and Bank payment cards at the banking service points of banks that provide payment acceptance services, as well as using remote banking tools.
If you make a payment at the Bank’s cash Desk, please inform the cashier about the need to make a payment through the “Settlement” system (erip).
In the “Calculation” system catalog, the “organization Name ” services are located in the section:
Minsk-Education and development-higher Education institutions – Sakharov International State Ecological Institute of BSU
To make a payment, you must:
1. Select the item “system” Calculation “(erip)
2. Select the following tabs in sequence: Minsk-Universities –Sakharov International State Ecological Institute of BSU
3. Choose a paid service (1-training; 2-penalty fee; 3-academic debt (retake, work off, etc.); 4-hostel; 5-centralized testing; 6-library services; 7-preparatory courses; 8-reimbursement of tuition fees; 9-internship, retraining; 10-other paid services)
4. To enter for:
- tuition fees – contract number/student ID number;
- penalty fee payment – contract number/student ID number;
- payment of academic debt (retake, work-out)- contract number/student ID number;
- Dorm payments – contract number/student ID number;
- payments for centralized testing – passport series and number;
- payment for library services – contract number/student ID number;
- payment for preparatory courses – contract number;
- reimbursement of tuition fees – order number;
- payment for internships and staff retraining – contract number;
- payment for other paid services – Full name of the payer, name of the service;
5. Enter the payment amount (if not specified)
6. Check that the information is correct
7. Make a payment.