
Graduates working under distribution are young specialists or young workers (employees) during the period of compulsory work under distribution (item 5 of Article 83 of the Education Code of the Republic of Belarus) (hereinafter-young specialist).


Legal status of young professionals It is regulated by the Regulation on the order of distribution, reallocation, referral to work, subsequent referral to work of graduates who have received postgraduate, higher, secondary special or vocational education, approved by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 22, 2011. No. 821 “On certain issues of distribution, redistribution, referral to work, subsequent referral to work of graduates, reimbursement of funds spent by the state on their training and targeted training of specialists, workers, employees” (hereinafter-the Regulation on the distribution Procedure).


  • Graduates of the Belarusian State University who have completed their studies with honors and qualified as a specialist with a higher education, master’s degree and work under distribution in budget organizations and other organizations that receive subsidies, whose employees are equal in remuneration to employees of budget organizations, tariff rates (salaries) in the first 5 years of work are increased by 10 percent.

(Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 477 of November 20, 1996 “On social support for employees and graduates of the Belarusian State University”).


  • Graduates who have received higher education, which is a place of work provided by the distribution, directions to work in government organizations and other organizations receiving grants, which is equal in pay to employees of budget organizations, within two years from the date of conclusion of the employment contract (contract), there is an increase of 10 % tariff rates (salaries).

(Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1267 of September 1, 2010 “On increasing the salary of certain categories of employees of budgetary organizations and other organizations receiving subsidies, whose employees are equal in remuneration to employees of budgetary organizations”).


  • Young specialists with higher education included in the data banks of gifted and talented youth and employed in organizations financed from the budget will receive a 50% increase in tariff rates (salaries). These promotions are carried out at the main place of work of a young specialist within two years from the moment of signing an employment contract (contract) with him.

(Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 273 of June 14, 2007 “On salary increases for certain categories of young professionals”). 


  • Specialists who have started work on distribution or referral outside the place of residence of their parents or in areas affected by the Chernobyl disaster, according to the List of territories (settlements and other objects) that belong to the zones of radioactive contamination approved by the Government of the Republic of Belarus, regardless of the place of residence of their parents, in organizations funded from the budget, military units, the Investigative Committee, the State Committee for Forensic Examinations, internal affairs bodies, emergency situations bodies and divisions, organizations of consumer cooperatives and agricultural organizations, have the right to receive a soft loan from Belarusbank within two years after graduation from the educational institution in the amount of up to 15-fold of the minimum living wage for a period of 5 years with a payment for the use of them 25 percent of the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus for the purchase of domestic property (furniture, refrigerator, TV, gas or electric stove, washing machine, microwave, computer, monitor, vacuum cleaner, kettle, kitchen machine) and commodities (clothes, shoes, linens, blankets, pillows, dishes), produced in the Republic of Belarus.

(Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 631 of November 27, 2000 “On additional measures to raise wages and provide preferential loans to certain categories of citizens”).


  • The specialist is paid monetary assistance in the amount of the last monthly stipend assigned to them in the last semester (half-year) before graduation, at the expense of the organization to which the specialist is sent to work, within one month after the conclusion of the employment contract (contract).


If the specialist did not receive a scholarship in the last semester (half-year) before graduation, the corresponding monetary assistance is paid to him at the rate of the social scholarship established on the date of graduation.


(Item 25 of the Regulations on the distribution procedure)

  • Local Councils of Deputies, employers can set monetary assistance, allocate funds to compensate for the cost of renting residential premises.


 (Item 26 of the Regulations on the distribution procedure)

  • Graduates who are assigned a place of work by way of distribution, graduates who are assigned to work, who move to another locality, are reimbursed:


– the cost of travel of the employee, graduate and their family members (husband, wife, children and parents of both spouses who are dependent on them and live with them) under the same conditions as when sending the employee on a business trip;

– expenses for transportation of property by rail, water and road transport (public use) in the amount of up to 500 kilograms per employee, graduate and up to 150 kilograms for each moving family member (by agreement of the parties, expenses for transportation of more property can be paid);

– a one-time allowance for the employee or graduate in the amount of his / her monthly tariff rate (salary) at the new place of work and for each moving family member in the amount of one-fourth of the employee’s or graduate’s allowance.


(Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus)

  • Specialists sent to work in the territory of radioactive contamination, in the zone of subsequent resettlement, in the zone with the right to move out, are guaranteed annual payments in the amount of:


after the first year of work – ten tariff rates of the first category;

after the second year of work-twelve tariff rates of the first category;

after the third year of work – fifteen tariff rates of the first category.


(Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1516 of October 1, 1998 “On the establishment of payments to graduates of institutions of secondary special and higher education sent to work or to serve (military service) in the territory of radioactive contamination”)

  • If the specialist fails to show up for work when being assigned for distribution, or has not worked for two years after receiving higher education for distribution, the specialist is obliged to reimburse the funds to the republican and (or) local budgets spent by the state on his training in accordance with the established procedure.


(Regulation on the procedure for reimbursement to the republican and (or) local budgets of funds spent by the state on training a highly qualified researcher, specialist, worker, employee, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 821 of 22.06.2011).

  • The right to receive preferential loans for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises is granted:


– servicemen, persons of ordinary and commanding structure of the Investigative Committee, the State Committee of forensic examinations of the internal Affairs bodies, bodies of financial investigations of the state control Committee, bodies and divisions for emergency situations, military service, service in the Investigative Committee, the State Committee of forensic examinations, the internal Affairs bodies, bodies of financial investigations of the state control Committee, bodies and divisions on emergency situations and consisting on the account in need of better housing conditions;

– citizenswho, in accordance with legislative acts, have the right to receive extraordinary social use residential premises of the state housing stock;

– citizenswho are tenants of residential premises for social areas of the state housing Fund provided to them in accordance with the legislative acts as orphans and children left without parental care, in respect of which the decision of emancipation or marriage, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care for the period of concluded with them urgent tenancy agreement social areas of the state housing Fund;

– able-bodied adult family members a tenant of residential premises under a lease agreement for social housing of the state housing fund in the event of his death or departure for permanent residence in another residential premises, who does not own and use residential premises of the state housing fund on the basis of a lease agreement or owns other residential premises in this locality with a total area of 15 square meters or more (in Minsk – 10 square meters). meters or more) for one person who meets the sanitary and technical requirements established for living, – during the term of validity of the contract of lease of residential premises for social use of the state housing fund concluded in accordance with legislative acts with one of them;

– low-income citizens of the Republic of Belarus who are registered as needing better housing conditions (with the exception of citizens who are recognized as needing better housing conditions on additional grounds provided for by organizations in collective agreements), from among:

– large families;

– citizens whose families include disabled children, as well as disabled people from childhood of groups I and II;

– citizens who have fallen ill and suffered radiation sickness caused by the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster or other radiation accidents, disabled people, in respect of whom a causal link has been established between the injury or illness that led to disability and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster or other radiation accidents;

– veterans of military operations on the territory of other states from among the categories of citizens provided for in paragraphs 1-3 of part one of Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of April 17, 1992 “On Veterans”;

– citizens living in residential premises recognized in accordance with the established procedure as unsuitable for living;

– adult young citizens who are laureates of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for social support of gifted students and students and (or) the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for support of talented youth – in coordination with the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Culture, respectively, and in accordance with the documents confirming such a title. For the purposes of this Decree, young citizens are defined as persons under the age of 31;

 – citizens who were awarded scholarships of the President of the Republic of Belarus to talented young scientists – in agreement with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and in accordance with the documents confirming the appointment of these scholarships issued by the organizations that paid them;

– citizens engaged in the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises in localities with a population of up to 20 thousand people and in satellite cities.


(subitem 1.1 of item 1 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
No. 13 of January 6, 2012 “On certain issues of providing citizens with state support in the construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises”).

  • The following persons have an extraordinary right to receive concessional loans::


– large families;

– citizenswho have disabled children in their families, as well as disabled people from childhood of groups I and II;

– citizenswho have fallen ill and suffered radiation sickness caused by the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster or other radiation accidents, disabled people, in respect of whom a causal link has been established between the injury or disease that led to disability and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster or other radiation accidents;

– citizensliving in residential premises that are recognized as unfit for habitation in accordance with the established procedure;

– able-bodied adult family members of the employer’s premises under the tenancy agreement for social areas of the state housing Fund in the event of his death or departure to permanent residence in another dwelling, having in possession and use of premises of the state housing Fund under the contract of employment or the ownership of other premises in the village with a total area of 15 square meters and more (in Minsk – 10 square meters or more) for one person who meets the sanitary and technical requirements established for living, – during the term of validity of the contract of lease of residential premises for social use of the state housing fund concluded in accordance with legislative acts with one of them;

– citizensdismissed from military service on the basis of age, health status, reduction of staff, including those who have exercised their right to register those in need of improved housing conditions at their place of residence within 6 months from the date of dismissal from military service;

– adult young citizenswho are laureates of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for social support of gifted students and students and (or) the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for support of talented youth – in coordination with the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Culture, respectively – and in accordance with the documents confirming such title;

– orphans and childrenleft without parental care, in respect of whom a decision on emancipation has been made or who have entered into marriage, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;

– citizenswho are tenants of residential premises for social areas of the state housing Fund provided to them in accordance with the legislative acts as orphans and children left without parental care, in respect of which the decision of emancipation or marriage, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care for the period of concluded with them urgent tenancy agreement social areas of the state housing Fund.


(subitem 1.2 of item 1 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
No. 13 of January 6, 2012 “On certain issues of providing citizens with state support in the construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises”).

  • The following persons have the right to share a soft loan and a one-time subsidy for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises::


– citizenswho, in accordance with legislative acts, have the right to an extraordinary receipt of residential premises for social use of the state housing stock;

– veterans of military operations on the territory of other states from among the categories of citizens provided for in paragraphs 1-3 of part one of Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Veterans”;

– citizensliving in residential premises that are recognized as unfit for habitation in accordance with the established procedure;

– citizenswho have fallen ill and suffered radiation sickness caused by the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster or other radiation accidents, disabled people, in respect of whom a causal link has been established between the injury or disease that led to disability and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster or other radiation accidents;

– citizenswhose families include disabled children, as well as disabled people from childhood of groups I and II.

Citizens who have the right to receive a one-time subsidy for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises, not specified in part one of this paragraph, have the right, at their choice, to use either soft loans or one-time subsidies for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises.

One-time subsidies for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises out of turn are provided to citizens who have the right to receive preferential loans out of turn for these purposes.


(subitem 1.3 of item 1 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
No. 13 of January 6, 2012 “On certain issues of providing citizens with state support in the construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises”).

  • The following persons are considered to be in need of better housing conditions::


13.1. citizens:


13.1.2. those who do not own and (or) own and use residential premises in the locality at the place of registration of those in need of improving housing conditions (at the place of work (service).

When registering persons in need of better housing conditions in Minsk, the following residential premises located in the Minsk district are taken into account: those that are owned and / or owned and used by a citizen and his / her family members living together with him / her;

13.1.3. provided with a total residential area of less than 15 square meters (in Minsk – less than 10 square meters). meters) per person.

13.1.4. living in a residential area that is deemed not to meet the sanitary and technical requirements established for living;

13.1.5. residents of dormitories, except for citizens who are granted the right to own and use residential premises in the dormitory in connection with training, sports training, clinical residency, as well as seasonal and temporary employees;

13.1.6. living in residential premises of a private housing stock under a residential lease agreement, a financial lease (leasing) agreement, the subject of leasing under which is an apartment of a private housing stock in a multi-apartment or blocked residential building and (or) a single-apartment residential building of a private housing stock;

13.1.7. those who live in commercial residential premises under the terms of a lease agreement for commercial residential premises of the state housing fund, concluded for the duration of employment (service) relations;

13.1.8. living in the same room or one-room apartment with other citizens and having diseases specified in the list determined by the Ministry of Health;

13.1.9. living in one apartment (single-family residential building) inhabited (inhabited) by several owners of residential premises, provided that their property is allocated in accordance with the established procedure, and (or) tenants of residential premises of the state housing fund, if they are provided with a total area of residential premises of less than 15 square meters (in Minsk – less than 10 square meters). meters) for each family member;


13.2. living in uninsulated (adjacent) living rooms and not being close relatives;


13.2.1. living in a one-room apartment with another citizen, regardless of their gender (including whether they are or are not close relatives), except for spouses;

13.2.2. belonging to a young family who have married for the first time (both spouses), if neither of them owns an apartment or a single-family residential building and (or) is not the tenant of an apartment or a single-family residential building under the lease agreement for residential premises of the state housing fund;

13.2.3. young workers( employees), young specialists who arrived by distribution, sent to work in accordance with the contract on targeted training of a specialist (worker, employee), or specialists who arrived at the direction of state bodies and other organizations to work in organizations located in territories with a level of radioactive contamination exceeding 5 curies per square kilometer and territories equated to them;

13.2.4. orphaned children and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphaned children and children left without parental care, if they:


– do not own and / or own and use residential premises (share in the right of common ownership of residential premises) in the locality at the place of registration;

– live in residential premises and are in need of improvement of housing conditions on the grounds provided for in subclauses 13.1.3-13.2.1;

– upon moving into the residential premises from which they left, they would have become in need of better housing conditions on the grounds provided for in subclauses 13.1.3-13.2.1;

– cannot be moved into the residential premises from which they left, and the impossibility of moving into this residential premises is established by the local executive and administrative body at the location of this residential premises.


(item 3 of the Regulation on Registration of Citizens in need of improved housing conditions and on the procedure for providing residential premises to the State Housing Stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 563 of December 16, 2013 “On Certain Issues of Legal Regulation of Housing relations”).


🔗Положение Regulation on the order of distribution, reallocation, referral to work, subsequent referral to work of graduates who have received postgraduate, higher, secondary special or vocational education, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 821 of 22.06.2011

🔗Положение Regulation on the procedure for reimbursement to the republican and (or) local budgets of funds spent by the state on training a highly qualified researcher, specialist, worker, employee, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 821 of 22.06.2011

🔗Положение Regulation on targeted training of specialists, workers, and employees, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 821 of 22.06.2011

🔗 Education Code of the Republic of Belarus (excerpts)