On May 19, 2023, there was a regular meeting of the Public Council of a Base Organization of the CIS states-members on environmental education in ISEI BSU. The meeting was held both in person and online.
Rodzkin Oleg I., the Chairman of the Public Council of a Base Organization, Director of ISEI BSU led the meeting.
Participated in person: Kazak Galina N., Counselor of the Department of Humanitarian Cooperation, General Political and Social Issues of Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, who presented a report; Mirsaidov Ulmas M., Leading Researcher of the Agency for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Safety of the Republic of Tajikistan; Udalova Alla A., Professor of the Department of Nuclear Physics and Technologies of National Research Nuclear University «MEPHI» of Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering; Chernaya Violetta V., Associate Professor of Medicine of Catastrophes and Emergency Medical Department of Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov; Pinaev Vladimir E., PhD in Economics, the Department of Environmental Safety and Production Quality Management, the Institute of Ecology of RUDN; Maskevich Sergey A., Honorary Member of the Public Council; Strigelskaya Nadezhda P., Head of the Training and Methodological Laboratory of ISEI BSU, who presented a report «On holding the International Environmental Olympiad of the universities of the CIS countries» and «On holding the IV International Scientific Methodological Conference «Environmental Education and Sustainable Development. State, purposes, problems, prospects»; Alexeichik Elena V., Head of International Relations Department of ISEI BSU; Loban Ekaterina V., Executive Secretary of the Public Council of a Base Organization of the CIS states-members on environmental education, and invited guests Umarova Gulbahor B., Associate Professor of Biochemistry Department of the Faculty of Biology of the National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbek, Dalimova Suraye N., Professor of Biochemistry Department of the Faculty of Biology of the National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbek.
Participated online: the Russian Federation – Dziatkovskaya Elena N., (the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education); Tatyana V., (the V. I. Vernadsky Non-Governmental Environmental Foundation); the Republic of Tajikistan – Ordobaev (Tajik National University); the Republic of Moldova – Kuharuk Ekaterina S., (Institute of Pedology, Agrochemistry and Soil Protection «Nicolae Dimo»).
Following the Agenda, there were presented the interim results of work (the 1st half of 2023) of a Base Organization of the CIS states-members on environmental education, information about planned events within the Work Plan of the Public Council and participation possibility for the members of the Public Council. It was considered the issue «On inclusion Savenkova Elena V., (Director of the Institute of Ecology of RUDN, Professor) and Pinaev Vladimir E., (Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Safety and Production Quality Management, the Institute of Ecology of RUDN, a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Nature of Russia) into the Public Council of a Base Organization». The Council members voted unanimously.
In the final part of the meeting, the participants noted the interaction and experience share of methodological work during the year. It was also proposed the international cooperation with colleagues not only from the CIS countries but from far abroad.