ISEI BSU representatives: Rodzkin Aleh I.,Director of ISEI BSU, Zhuravkov Vladislav V Deputy Director for Education, Germenchuk Maria G., Deputy Director for Science, Sysa Alexei G., Dean of Environmental Medicine Faculty, Tonkonogov Boris A., Dean of Environmental Monitoring Faculty, Alexeichik Elena V., Head of International Relations Department, Tsybulko Nikolai N., Head of Research Sector, Kopitsa Vladimir N., Associate Professor of Environmental Monitoring and Management Chair.
Representatives of Mugla Sitki Kocman University: Ahmet Demirak Professor of Chemistry Chair of Natural Sciences Faculty of Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Nedim Ozdemir, Senior Researcher of Mugla Sitki Kocman University.
During the meeting, the parties discussed possibilities and prospects of cooperation, implementation of joint scientific and educational programs and projects, in particular, submission of project applications for the contest of projects «BRFFR – TÜBİTAK» as well as joint academic exchanges of teaching staff and students.