Annual International Scientific Conference “Sakharov Readings: Environmental Problems of the XXI Century”

The 25th Anniversary International Scientific Conference

“Sakharov readings 2025: environmental problems of the XXI century”

May 22-23, 2025 
Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Main purpose of the conference is to unite the efforts of leading scientists and practitioners, lecturers of higher education institutions, PhD students, master students and students from different countries to assess the impact of technical progress on the environment and humans, develop measures to reduce negative technogenic impact on nature.

Organizers of the conference: the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus; the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus; Belarusian State University; International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University.

Conference location: International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University (hereinafter referred to as the institute), address: Minsk, Dolgobrodskaya str., 23/1.

Conference languages: Russian, Belarusian, English.

Type of participation in the conference: in person (orally, poster presentation), remote participation.

Collection of the materials will be published before the conference.

Organizational Committee and its functions
Two organizational committees are created to arrange and hold the conference: the international organizational committee and the local organizational committee. The Director of the institute approves them.

The international organizational committee consists of the following representatives: the conference organizers and the representatives of foreign educational establishments the institute cooperates with.

The local committee consists of the representatives of Belarusian establishments the institute cooperates with, the institute administration and the heads of the institute departments.

The main task of the International organizational committee is to determine the conference work (research topics).

The local organizational committee develops a conference plan for holding and preparation; prepares and sends an information letter on the conference, provides the acceptance of conference materials, expertise, the edition of material collection; draws up the conference agenda; implements measures on technical and information support of the conference.

Conference topics:

1. Radiation biology and radioecology.

2. Medical ecology and epidemiology, medical physics.

3. Environmental chemistry and biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology.

4. Industrial and agrarian ecology, monitoring and waste management.

5. Nuclear technologies, радиационная безопасностьradiation safety and protection.

6. Energy efficient technologies and energy management.

7. Information systems and technologies to assess and manage environmental quality.

8. Philosophic and social environmental problems of modernity.

Round table 1 of UNESCO chairs «Actual environmental problems of the XXI century».

Round table 2 «Relevant issues of specialist training of ecological profile to professional and intercultural communication».

To participate in the conference you should:

  • fill out an application at;
  • submit the following materials to the conference committee:  an application and abstracts designed following the requirements established by the local organizing committe. Abstract content should correspond to the conference topic;
  • conclude an agreement to pay a participation fee (a form of agreement is determined by the local organizing committee);
  • submit a receipt for payment.

Reports for a plenary session will be selected by the conference committee.

Submission of applications and abstracts – until 28.02.2025

Types of participation in the conference

  • Report presentation at the plenary session (up to 15 min).
  • Report presentation at the breakout session (up to 10 min).
  • Posters in electronic form.
  • Remote participation with report presentation and its publication in material collection conference.

Type of report presentation is established by the organizational committee.
Specialists in ecology and joint sciences, lecturers, PhD students, and students are invited to participate in the conference.

Submitted reports are not edited. The authors are responsible for research content and presentation. Reports that do not correspond to the subject of the conference, format requirements or submitted late are not considered and will not be returned.

Conference funding

The conference is financed by:

  • Registration fees;
  • The institute’s funds;
  • Sponsorship.

The registration fee is determined based on the estimated costs of preparation and conference material publication, forming of conference participant folder (in person participation).

The registration fee does not cover accommodation, travel costs and stay expenses.

The registration fee is made after the report is included in the conference program.

The registration fee is made according to the agreement or with a conference participant when paying in cash or with the institution the participant represents when paying non-cash.

Final conference documents

Resolution with recommendations on the issues discussed will be developed in the conference.

Conference organizers

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Belarusian State University

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus

International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University