The 21st International Scientific Conference «Sakharov Readings 2021: Environmental Problems of the XXIst Century» has opened at ISEI BSU

On May 20, 2021, the 21st International Scientific Conference «Sakharov Readings 2021: Environmental Problems of the XXIst Century» opened. This year’s scientific forum is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Belarusian State University and the 100th anniversary of the academician Andrei Sakharov.

Once again, the scholars from 11 countries near and far abroad get together to discuss the role of science in solving environmental problems of sustainable development; the global fight against COVID-19; the development of nuclear technologies and radiation safety; medical ecology; the application of information systems and technologies for the assessment and environment quality management. Conference work provided in the hybrid form: online and offline.

Sergey Maskevich, Director of ISEI BSU opened the Conference. Irina Starovoytova, the First Deputy Minister of Education; Alexander Goroshko, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection; Olga Lugovskaya, Head of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; Galina Kazak, the Counselor of the Department of Humanitarian Cooperation, General Political and Social Problems of Executive Committee of CIS; Andrei Korol, Rector of Belarusian State University; Marina Borovko, Deputy General Director of PR of Unitary Enterprise «Coca-Cola Beverages Belarus» congratulated participants and guests with the opening of the conference.

Mahmadsharif Khakdod, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Republic of Belarus; Victor Sorochan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova in the Republic of Belarus were present at the conference room. The embassy representatives of the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany took part online in the opening of the conference. The members of the International Organizing Committee of the conference Rainer Glausch, CEO of recycling company HLD-Umwelt GmbH, Chairman of the Union of Medium Business CDU Bautzen, the Federal Republic of Germany and Sergey Lukashenko, Leading researcher of Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology, the Russian Federation also took part in the event.

A plenary session was held after the conference opening ceremony where distinguished scholars, who represent academic, higher, and sectoral science of Belarus and Russia, spoke at the plenary session that was held after the conference opening ceremony.
The following sections will be working in the framework of the scientific conference for two days:

Environmental problems of sustainable development; pandemic COVID-19; society greening is the XXIst century challenges; Environmental education in the interests of sustainable development, relevant requirements to the educational standards in higher education institutions of the environmental profile;
Bioecology, Radiobiology; Environmental profile in medical issues; Ecosystem rehabilitation, environmental monitoring; Nuclear technologies and radiation safety. Radioecological aspects of nuclear disasters: to the 35th anniversary of Chernobyl Disaster; Industrial ecology problems, wastes, energy-efficient technologies and energy management; Environmental problems of urbanized areas; Information systems and technologies for assessment and environment quality management.

A number of round tables has increased this year, their sessions held in conjunction with relevant issues: «International ranking of green universities UI Green Metric Ranking of World Universities: experience share, promotion and development prospects»; «Relevant issues of environmental profile specialist training to professional and intercultural communication»; «V.I. Vernadsky scientific heritage in the context of sustainable development issues» (jointly with the V.I. Vernadsky Nongovernmental Ecological Foundation)»; «Bioethics in extreme situations».
The conference opening and plenary session were held through the broadcast of events in the classrooms and halls of the institute. Tomorrow, on May 21, 2021, the conference will continue its work.