Participation of ISEI BSU in the 4th National Round Table of UI GreenMetric “Green Universities of Russia”

On September 24, 2020, the ISEI BSU took part in the 4th National Round Table of UI GreenMetric “Green Universities of Russia”, organized in a remote format by the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia in partnership with universities in other countries. In 2020,ISEI BSU set a goal to enter the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings, and at the moment it is actively adopting the experience of universities that are in high positions in the ranking. The event was attended by the Deputy Director for scientific work Germenchuk M. G., Deputy Director for educational and educational work I. E. Buchenkov, as well as employees of the educational and methodological laboratory of environmental education. Head of the laboratory,Smolnik N. S., presented the report of the Institute in the field of continuing environmental education and became a participant in an open discussion at the round table.

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