Telephone: +375 17 373-04-86
E-mail: nadya.strigelskaya@mail.ru
Practical, seminar and laboratory classes in the disciplines “Cytological research methods” and “Biomedical ethics”were developed.
Engaged in research on the palynological composition of honey.
2018 | graduated from the Faculty of Environmental Medicine of the educational institution “Sakharov International State Ecological Institute” of the Belarusian State University with a degree in Bioecology with the qualification ” Biologist-ecologist. Teacher of Biology and Ecology» |
2018-2020 | Master’s degree program at the Sakharov Moscow State Economic Institute (BSU), specialty 1-33 80 01 ” Ecology (Biological Sciences) “with the degree of”Master of Biological Sciences”. |
2020-2021 | specialist of the educational and methodical laboratory of environmental education |
2021-2023 | Head of the educational and methodological laboratory of environmental education |
2023-current | Teacher of General Biology and Genetics Chair |
- Zhuk E. Yu., Grigoryeva E. E., Makovetskaya A. I., Ilyasova-Kononova T. S., Strigelskaya N. P., Rusak T. A. Formirovanie ekologicheskoi literatnosti nasteniy v ramkakh prosveshchitel’noi deyatel’nosti Minskogo zooparka [Formation of ecological literacy of visitors in the framework of educational activities of the Minsk Zoo]. Sakharov Readings 2016: ecological problems of the XXI Century: materials of the International Scientific Conference, May 19-20, 2016, Minsk, Republic of Belarus / ed. by S. A. Maskevich, S. S. Poznyak, N. A. Lysukho. Minsk: A.D. Sakharov Moscow State Economic University, 2016, pp. 40-41.
- Zhuk E. Yu., Bodrova E. I., Grigoryeva E. E., Melnik M. V., Rusak T. A., Strigelskaya N. P. Resheniye voprosy ekologicheskoi literatnosti sredstvom vzaimodeystviya uchrezhdeniy raznogo profila [Solving environmental literacy issues through interaction of institutions of different profiles] // International Scientific and Practical Conference “Environmental Education for Sustainable Development – a leading mechanism and condition for the success of educational institutions”, April 25-27, 2018, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. Minsk: Republican Center for Ecology and Local Lore, 2018, pp. 30-32.
- Strigelskaya N. P., Strigelskaya T. N. Formirovanie osnov ekologicheskoi kul’tury u detei srshego doshkol’nogo vozrasta [Formation of the basics of ecological culture in older preschool children] // Sakharov Readings 2018: ecological problems of the XXI century: materials of the International Scientific Conference, May 17-18, 201, Minsk, Republic of Belarus / ed. by S. A. Maskevich, S. S. Poznyak. Minsk: IVC Minfina Publ., 2018, pp. 178-179.
- Sakharov Readings 2018: ecological problems of the XXI century: materials of the International Scientific Conference, May 17-18, 2016, Minsk, Republic of Belarus / ed. by S. A. Maskevich, S. S. Poznyak. Minsk: IVC Minfina Publ., 2018, pp. 179-180.
- Strigelskaya, N. Information and educational activity of the Minsk zoo and its communication with epizotical situation in Belarus / N. Strigelskaya, Yu. Lyakh // VIII-th International Scientific Conference of young scientists, graduates, vaster and PhD students «Actual Environmental Problems», 2018. г. Минск, 22 – 23 ноября 2018. – С. 22.
- Lyakh Yu.G., Strigelskaya N. P. Istoricheskie aspekty i ekologo-prosveshchenskaya rabota zooparkov v tselyakh stabilizatsii epizooticheskoi situatsii v Belorussii [Historical aspects and ecological and educational work of zoos in order to stabilize the epizootic situation in Belarus]. V mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya “Zoologicheskie chteniya – 2019”; Grodno, March 20-22, 2019, pp. 177-180.
- Strigelskaya N. P. Formirovanie osnov ekologicheskoi kul’tury u detei srshego doshkol’nogo vozrasta [Formation of the basics of ecological culture in older preschool children] // Proceedings of the II All-Russian Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference “Environmental Safety in the Technosphere” – April 26, 2019, Yekaterinburg. pp. 234-239.
- Sakharov Readings 2019: ecological Problems of the XXI Century: materials of the 19th International Scientific Conference, May 23-24, 2019, Minsk, Republic of Belarus: in 3 hours / A.D. Sakharov Moscow State University; edited by S. A. Maskevich, S. S. Poznyak. Minsk, 2019, part 1, pp. 124-127.
- Strigelskaya, N. Epizootic measures as a factor in the prevention of infectious diseases among the inhabitants of Minsk ZOO / N. Strigelskaya, Yu. Lyakh // IХ-th International Scientific Conference of young scientists, graduates, master and PhD students «Actual Environmental Problems», 2019. г. Минск, 21 – 22 ноября 2019. – С. 122-123.