- Module «Computer modeling of biologically active substances. Visualization of biomedical information»
- Physical and Colloidal Chemistry
- An algorithm for calculating the equilibrium geometries, IR, NMR, and electronic spectra of azomethines, antroquinones, and indoles with antioxidant and antitumor properties has been developed and improved for the first time.
- A new approach to describing the interaction of nanotubes and organic compounds, specifying the type, binding energies, and position of interacting ions and molecules relative to each other.
- New compounds have been synthesized based on the results of quantum chemical modeling of the geometric parameters and electronic spectra of molecules absorbing in the UV, visible, and IR regions of the spectrum:
1) diethyl 2,2′ – ([1,1′ – biphenyl]-4,4′ – diyl-bis (azanediyl)diacetate (max = 297 nm);
2) sodium salt of 2-hydroxy-5 – ((2-methoxy-4((4-sodium sulfophenyl)diazenyl) phenyl)-diazenyl) – 3-benzoic acid (max = 334.455 nm);
3) sodium 4-(4-(2-(2-chlorine-1 – (2-(4-sulfonate-butyl)quinoline-4(1H) – ylidene)etilidene)-1H-inden-3-yl) vinyl)- quinoline-1-ium-1-yl) butane-1-sulfonate (max = 832 nm) in DMF solution.
- Stretched PVA films with dyes and Au (diameter 36.0 nm) and ZnO (diameter 85.0 nm, length 1.0 µm) NPS exhibit anisotropy of thermal conductivity. With an increase in the total dye concentration from 0.3 to 1.1 wt. In the film, the thermal conductivity anisotropy (χ) increases from 4.5 to 135.7. When coloring PVA films with dye mixtures, as well as when using individual dyes and LPS, the values of h^ decrease from 0.20 to 0.007 W/m·°C, and h|| practically do not change (h|| ≈ 0.9 W/m·°C).
In 2004, he participated in the International Contest of Ideas: “Advanced display technologies and image processing methods”, held by SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS and SID of Russia in Moscow, and was awarded a diploma of the III degree.
In 2010, he received a certificate from the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Republic of Belarus for active participation in the training of Iranian students in universities of the Republic of Belarus and establishing contacts between scientific organizations of the two countries.
In 2016, he was included in the list of the most cited authors of 2016 by the information and analytical system of the United States of America, Thomson Reuters.
Winner of the grant of the President of the Republic of Belarus in science in 2018.
In 2018, he received a TOP-10 “Selected Reviewer” certificate from the Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (Elsevier).
Member of the Editorial Board of journals:
- Applied Research Physics (Canada)
- International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry (USA)
- Journal of Serbian Chemical Society
- Scirea Journal of Chemistry
Reviewer of highly rated international journals:
- Journal of Molecular Structure (Elsevier),
- Food Chemistry (Elsevier),
- Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (Elsevier),
- Dyes and Pigments (Elsevier),
- Chinese Chemical Letters (Elsevier),
- Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical (Elsevier),
- Chemistry – An Asian Journal,
- Chemistry – A European Journal,
- Journal Letters in Drug Design and Discovery,
- Medical Chemistry (OMICS Group),
- Journal of Serbian Chemical Society,
- European Journal of Chemistry,
- Iranian Chemical Communication,
- Journal of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,
- Australian Journal of Chemistry,
- Journal of Chemical Society of Pakistan,
- Nano Medicine Research Journal,
- Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
- Physical Chemistry Research,
- Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transaction A: Science,
- Chemical Methodologies,
- Asian Journal of Green Chemistry.
1991-1998 | Kirov Belarusian State Institute of Technology |
1999-2007 | Research Associate of «the Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»; Research Associate of «the Institute of Chemistry of New Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus» |
2007 | PhD in Chemistry (also awarded the rank of Doctor of Sciences) in the specialty 02.00.04 –«Physical Chemistry» |
2013 | Awarded the rank of Associate Professor |
2013 | Member of the editorial board of «Applied Research Physics» (Canada) and «International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry» (the USA) |
2014 | Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences |
2014 | Leading Researcher of «the Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus» |
Since 2016 | Associate Professor of Environmental Chemistry and Biochemistry Chair |
Total number of publications – 160, patents-9. The most important and significant publications in international high-ranking journals:
Х.А. Алмодарресие, С.Н. Шахаб, В.М. Зеленковский, Н.Г. Арико, Л.Н. Филиппович, В.Е. Агабеков. Расчет УФ-, ИК- и ЯМР спектров молекулы диэтил 2,2′-([1,1′-бифенил]-4,4′-диилбис(азанедиил)диацетата. Жур. прик. спектр. 2014, T.81. №1. Стр. 42-49.
2) Х.А. Алмодарресие, С.Н. Шахаб, В.М. Зеленковский, В.Е. Агабеков. Электронная структура и абсорбционный спектр натрий 2-гидрокси-5-((2-метокси-4((4-сульфофенил)диазенил)фенил)диазенил)бензоата. Жур. прик. спектр. 2014, T.81. №1. Стр. 145-147.
3) А.В. Абакшонок, Х.А. Алмодарресие, С.Н. Шахаб, А.Н. Еремин, В.Е. Агабеков. Синтез наночастиц золота в присутствии компонентов поляризационной пленки. Весцi НАН Беларусi, сер. хiм. навук. 2014. №1. Стр. 14-24.
4) H.A. Almodarresiyeh, A.V. Abakshonok, V.E. Agabekov, A.N. Eryomin, S.N. Shahab. Investigation of reaction conditions on morphology and optical properties of Zinc Oxide Nanorods. Materials Sciences and Engineering 64 (2014) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/64/1/012050
5) H.A. Almodarresiyeh, S.N. Shahab, V.M. Zelenkovsky, N.G. Ariko, L.N. Filippovich, V.E. Agabekov. Calculation of UV, IR, and NMR Spectra of Diethyl 2,2′-[(1,1′-Biphenyl)-4,4′-Diylbis(Azanediyl)]Diacetate. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2014, Volume 81, Issue 1, P. 31-36.
6) H.A. Almodarresiyeh, S.N. Shahab, V.M. Zelenkovsky, V.E. Agabekov. Electronic Structure and Absorption Spectra of Sodium 2-Hydroxy-5-({2-Methoxy-4[(4-Sulfophenyl)Diazenyl]Phenyl}Diazenyl)Benzoate. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2014, Volume 81, Issue 1, P. 161-163.
7) Siyamak Shahab, Hora AlhosseiniAlmodarresiyeh, Rakesh Kumar, Mahdieh Darroudi. A study of molecular structure, UV, IR and 1H NMR spectra of a new dichroic dye on the basis of quinoline derivative. Journal of Molecular Structure, Volume 1088, 2015, P.105-110.
8) Siyamak Shahab, Rakesh Kumar, Mahdieh Darroudi, Mostafa Yousefzadeh Borzehandani. Molecular structure and spectroscopic investigation of sodium(E)-2-hydroxy-5-((4-sulfatophenyl)benzoate: A DFT study. Journal of Molecular Structure Volume 1083, 2015, P.198-203.
9) Rakesh Kumar, Sangeeta Obrai, V.K. Joshi, Vikas Lumar, Siyamak Shahab. Computational, crystal structure and antimicrobial studies of directly synthesized dichloroethylenediaminecopper (II) complex. Journal of Commun. Inorg. Synth. Vol.3, N1, 2015, P. 9-15.
10) Шахаб С.Н. Фотохромные свойства молекулы динатриевой соли индиго-5,5′-дисульфокислоты: DFT исследование. Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. N1, 2015, P. 86-91.
11) Siyamak Shahab, Liudmila Filippovich, Rakesh Kumar, Mahdieh Darroudi, Mostafa Yousefzadeh Borzehandani, Maryam Gomar. Photochromic properties of the molecule Azure A chloride in PVA matrix. Journal of Molecular Structure, Volume 1101, 2015, P. 109-115.
12) В.Е. Агабеков, А.Л. Потапов, С.Н. Шахаб, Н.А. Иванова. Поляризаторы на основе поливинилового спирта и пленки с наночастицами серебра: получение и применение (обзор). Полимерные материалы и технологии, 2015, Т.1, №2, С. 6-35.
13) Siyamak Shahab, Liudmila Filippovich, Hora A. Almodarresiyeh, Maria Ahorodnikova, Fatemeh Haji Hajikolaee, Rakesh Kumar. Photochromic Properties of the N-Salicylideneaniline in Polyvinyl Butyral Matrix: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations. Journal of Molecular Structure. 1134 (2017). 530-537.
14) Е. А. Дикусар, Л. Н. Филиппович, С. Н. Шахаб, С. К. Петкевич, С. Г. Стёпин. Синтез (E)-азометинов на основе 3-(4)-аминобензойных кислот, сульфаниламида и 4-аминоазобензола. Вестник фармации. №4 (74) 2016.
15) Masoome Sheikhi, Siyamak Shahab. Quantum chemical Modeling of 1-(1,3-Benzothiazol-2-yl)-3-(thiophene-5-carbonyl)thiourea: Molecular structure, NMR, FMO, MER and NBO analysis based on DFT calculations. Journal of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry. 13 (3). 277-288: 2017.
16) Siyamak Shahab, Masoome Sheikhi, Liudmila Filippovich, Dikusar Evgenij Anatol’evich. Quantum Chemical Modeling of New Derivatives of (E,E)-Azomethines: Synthesis, Spectroscopic (FT-IR, UV/Vis, Polarization) and Thermophysical Investigations. Journal of Molecular Structure. 1137 (2017). 335-348.
17) Siyamak Shahab, Hora A. Almodarresiyeh, Liudmila Filippovich, Maria Оhоrodnikova,
18) Fatemeh Haji Hajikolaee, Rakesh Kumar, Mahdieh Darroudi, M Yousefzadeh Borzehandani. Polarizing film on the basis of poly (vinyl alcohol) and new synthesized azo benzene derivative. American Journal Materials Synthesis and Processing. 5(2) (2017). 17-23.
19) Siyamak Shahab, Hora A. Almodarresiyeh, Liudmila Filippovich, Rakesh Kumar, Mahdieh Darroudi. Synthesis of biphenyl derivative and its application as dichroic materials in poly (vinyl alcohol) polarizing films. Journal of Molecular Structure, Volume 1107, 2016, 19-24.
20) Siyamak Shahab, Fatemeh Haji Hajikolaee, Liudmila Filippovich, Mahdieh Darroudi, Valery Aleksandrovich Loiko, Rakesh Kumar, Mostafa Yousefzadeh Borzehandani. Molecular structure and UV–Vis spectral analysis of new synthesized azo dyes for application in polarizing films. Dyes and Pigments, Volume 129, 2016, P. 9-17.
21) H. A. Almodarresiyeh, S. N. Shahab, L. N. Filippovich, N. G. Аriko, A. P. Lugovsky, V. E. Agabekov. Broadband polarizing film based on polyvinyl alcohol containing quinoline dye and ZnO nanoparticles. Journal of RSC Advances, Volume 6 2016, P. 42062-42068.
22) Siyamak Shahab, Hora A. Almodarresiyeh, Liudmila Filippovich, Rakesh Kumar, Mahdieh Darroudi. Geometry optimization and Excited State properties of the new symmetric (E)-Stilbene derivative for application in Thermostable Polarizing PVA-Films: A combined experiment and DFT approach. Journal of Molecular Structure, Volume 1119, 2016, P. 423-430.
23) Siyamak Shahab, Liudmila Filippovich, Mostafa Yousefzadeh Borzehandani, Rakesh Kumar, Anatoliy Lugovsky, Alexandr Eryomin, Mahsa Mashayekhi. IR-Polarizing film containing a New Quinoline Dye and Fe3O4 Nanoparticles. Journal of RSC Advances, Volume 6 2016, P. 114613-11462.
24) Siyamak Shahab, Liudmila Filippovich, Masoome Sheikhi, Rakesh Kumar, Dikusar Evgenij Anatol’evich. Polarization, Excited States, Trans-Cis Properties and Anisotropy of Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of the 4-(phenyldiazenyl)aniline in PVA Matrix. Journal of Molecular Structure. 1141 (2017). 703-709.
25) Masoome Sheikhi, Siyamak Shahab, Liudmila Filippovich, Hooriye Yahyaei, Evgenij Dikusar, Mehrnoosh Khaleghian. New derivatives of (E,E)-azomethines: Design, quantum chemical modeling, spectroscopic (FT-IR, UV/Vis, polarization) studies, synthesis and their applications: Experimental and theoretical investigations. Journal of Molecular Structure. 1141 (2017). 703-709.
26) Siyamak Shahab, Masoome Sheikhi, Liudmila Filippovich, Rakesh Kumar, Evgenij Dikusar, Hooriye Yahyaei, Mehrnoosh Khaleghian. Synthesis, geometry optimization, spectroscopic investigations (UV/Vis, excited states, FT-IR) and application of new azomethine dyesJournal of Molecular Structure. 1148 (2017). 134-149.
27) Л.Н. Филиппович, С.Н. Шахаб, А.Н. Еремин, Н.А. Иванова, В.Е. Агабеков. Теплопроводность и светостойкость окрашенных поливинилспиртовых пленок, содержащих цериевые частицы и их композит с магнетитом. Сборник статей 13 международной конференции «Пленки и покрытия – 2017», 18-20 апреля 2017, Ст.-Петербург, Россия. С. 295-298.
28) Л.Н. Филиппович, А.Н. Еремин, С.Н. Шахаб, А.П. Луговский, В.Е. Агабеков. Поливинилспиртовые пленки, содержащие полиметиновый краситель и наночастицы магнетита. Наноструктуры в конденсированный средах. Сборник научных статей НАН Беларуси. Институт тепло- и массообмена имени А.В. Лыкова. Минск, 2016. С. 371-377.
29) Л.Н. Филиппович, С.Н. Шахаб, А.Н. Еремин, В.Е. Агабеков. Оптические свойства поливинилспиртовых пленок, содержащих дихроичные красители и полианилин. Международная научно-техническая конференция «Поликомтриб-2017», 27-30 июня, Гомель, Беларусь. С. 55-60.
30) А.Н. Еремин, Х.А. Новик, Л.Н. Филиппович, С.Н. Шахаб. Стабилизация полианилина поливинилпирролидоном и карбоксиметилцеллюлозой. Международная научно-техническая конференция «Поликомтриб-2017», 27-30 июня, Гомель, Беларусь. С. 88-93.
31) Л.Н. Филиппович, С.Н. Шахаб, А.Н. Еремин, В.Е. Агабеков. Влияние наночастиц магнетита на теплопроводность поливинилспиртовых пленок, окрашенных органическим красителем. V международная научная конференция Наноструктурные материалы – 2016: Беларусь-Россия-Украина. НПЦ НАН Беларуси по материаловедению, 22-25 ноября. Минск, 2016. С. 533-535.
32) СИНТЕЗ (E,E)-АЗОАЗОМЕТИНОВ НА ОСНОВЕ 4-АМИНОАЗОБЕНЗОЛА / Е.А. Дикусар, Л.Н. Филиппович, С.Н. Шахаб, С.К. Петкевич, С.Г. Стёпин // Вес. Нац. акaд. навук Беларуси. Сер. хім. навук. – 2018. – Т. 54, № 1. – C. 58-71.
33) СИНТЕЗ (E,E)-АЗОМЕТИНОКСИМОВ НА ОСНОВЕ ОКСИМА 4-АМИНОАЦЕТОФЕНОНА / Е.А. Дикусар, Л.Н. Филиппович, С.Н. Шахаб, С.К. Петкевич, С.Г. Степин // Вес. Нац. акaд. навук Беларуси. Сер. хім. навук. 2018. – Т. 54, № 2. – C. 168-179.
34) Charge Transfer Interaction Between the Antibiotic Drug Ciprofloxacin with Picric Acid: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations / Rakesh Kumar, Siyamak Shahab, Sangeeta Obrai, Vaneet Kumar, Pankaj Vikas, Suruchi, Bhupinder Kumar, Mandeep Kaur, Ahmed M. Naglah, Moamen S. Refat6, Mohammed T. Alghamdi, Abdel Majid A. Adam, Asma S. Al-Wasidi, Nawal M. Al-Jafshar, and Jamelah S. Al-Otifi // Science of Advanced Materials. 2018. – Vol. 10. – P. 879-888.
35) Thermostable Broad Band Polarizing PVA-Film: Theoretical and Experimental Investigations / SIYAMAK Shahab, LIUDMILA Filippovich, HORA A. Almodarresiyeh, MASOOME Sheikhid, RAKESH Kumar // Chinese J. Struct. Chem. 2018. – Vol. 37, № 2. – P. 186-197.
36) New derivatives of (E,E)-azomethines: Design, quantum chemical modeling, spectroscopic (FT-IR, UV/Vis, polarization) studies, synthesis and their applications: Experimental and theoretical investigations / Masoome Sheikhi, Siyamak Shahab, Liudmila Filippovich, Hooriye Yahyaei, Evgenij Dikusar, Mehrnoosh Khaleghian // Journal of Molecular Structure. 2018. – Vol. 37. – P. 368-385.
37) Adsorption properties of the molecule resveratrol on CNT(8,0-10) nanotube: Geometry optimization, molecular structure, spectroscopic (NMR, UV/Vis, excited state), FMO, MEP and HOMO-LUMO investigations / Masoome Sheikhi, Siyamak Shahab, Mehrnoosh Khaleghian, Fatemeh Haji Hajikolaee, Iryna Balakhanava, Radwan Alnajjar // Journal of Molecular Structure. 2018. – Vol. 1160. – P. 479-487.
38) Anisotropy (optical, electrical and thermal conductivity) in thin polarizing films for UV/Vis regions of spectrum: Experimental and theoretical investigations / Hooriye Yahyaei, Siyamak Shahab, Masoome Sheikhi, Liudmila Filippovich, Hora A. Almodarresiyeh, Rakesh Kumar, Evgenij Dikusar, Mostafa Yousefzadeh Borzehandani, Radwan Alnajjar // Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2018. – Vol. 192. – P. 343-336.
39) Interaction Between New Anti-cancer Drug Syndros and CNT(6,6-6) Nanotube for Medical Applications: Geometry Optimization, Molecular Structure, Spectroscopic (NMR, UV/Vis, Excited state), FMO, MEP and HOMO-LUMO Investigation / Masoome Sheikhi, Siyamak Shahab, Mehrnoosh Khaleghian, Rakesh Kumar // Applied Surface Science. 2018. – Vol. 434. № 15. – P. 504-513.
40) Design of geometry, synthesis, spectroscopic (FT-IR, UV/Vis, excited state, polarization) and anisotropy (thermal conductivity and electrical) properties of new synthesized derivatives of (E,E)-azomethines in colored stretched poly (vinyl alcohol) matrix / Siyamak Shahab, Masoome Sheikh, Liudmila Filippovich, Evgenij Dikusar, Hooriye Yahyae, Rakesh Kumar, Mehrnoosh Khaleghian // Journal of Molecular Structure. 2018. – Vol. 1157. – P. 536-550.
41) Spectroscopic Studies (Geometry Optimization, E→Z Isomerization, UV/Vis, Excited States, FT-IR, HOMO-LUMO, FMO, MEP, NBO, Polarization) and Anisotropy of Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of New Azomethine Dyes in Stretched Polymer Matrix / Siyamak Shahab, Masoome Sheikhi, Liudmila Filippovich, Mehrnoosh Khaleghian, Evgenij Dikusar, Hooriye Yahyaei, Mostafa Yousefzadeh Borzehandani // Silicon. 2018. – Vol. 18. – P. 9733-9738.
42) DFT Investigations (Geometry Optimization, UV/Vis, FT-IR, NMR, HOMO-LUMO, FMO, MEP, NBO, Excited States) and the Synthesis of New Pyrimidine Dyes / Masoome Sheikhi, Siyamak Shahab, Liudmila Filippovich, Evgenij Dikusar, Mehrnoosh Khaleghian // Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2018. – Vol. 37, №8. – P. 1201-1222.
43) Photochromic Properties of the N-Salicylideneaniline in Polyvinyl Butyral Matrix: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations / Siyamak Shahab, Liudmila Filippovich, Hora A. Almodarresiyeh, Maria Ahorodnikova, Fatemeh Haji Hajikolaee, Rakesh Kumar // Journal of Molecular Structure. 2017. – Vol. 1134. – P. 530-537.
44) Quantum chemical Modeling of 1-(1,3-Benzothiazol-2-yl)-3-(thiophene-5-carbonyl)thiourea: Molecular structure, NMR, FMO, MER and NBO analysis based on DFT calculations. Masoome Sheikhi, Siyamak Shahab / Journal of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry // 2017. – Vol. 13, №3. – P. 277-288
45) Quantum Chemical Modeling of New Derivatives of (E,E)-Azomethines: Synthesis, Spectroscopic (FT-IR, UV/Vis, Polarization) and Thermophysical Investigations / Siyamak Shahab, Masoome Sheikhi, Liudmila Filippovich, Dikusar Evgenij Anatol’evich // Journal of Molecular Structure. 2017. – Vol. 1137. – P. 335-348.
46) Polarizing film on the basis of poly (vinyl alcohol) and new synthesized azo benzene derivative / Siyamak Shahab, Hora A. Almodarresiyeh, Liudmila Filippovich, Maria Оhоrodnikova, Fatemeh Haji Hajikolaee, Rakesh Kumar, Mahdieh Darroudi, M Yousefzadeh Borzehandani // American Journal Materials Synthesis and Processing. 2017. – Vol. 5. №2. – P. 17-23.
47) Polarization, Excited States, Trans-Cis Properties and Anisotropy of Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of the 4-(phenyldiazenyl)aniline in PVA Matrix / Siyamak Shahab, Liudmila Filippovich, Masoome Sheikhi, Rakesh Kumar, Dikusar Evgenij Anatol’evich // Journal of Molecular Structure. 2017. – Vol. 1141. – P. 703-709.
48) New derivatives of (E,E)-azomethines: Design, quantum chemical modeling, spectroscopic (FT-IR, UV/Vis, polarization) studies, synthesis and their applications: Experimental and theoretical investigations / Masoome Sheikhi, Siyamak Shahab, Liudmila Filippovich, Hooriye Yahyaei, Evgenij Dikusar, Mehrnoosh Khaleghian // Journal of Molecular Structure. 2017. – Vol. 1141. – P. 703-709.
49) Synthesis, geometry optimization, spectroscopic investigations (UV/Vis, excited states, FT-IR) and application of new azomethine dyes / Siyamak Shahab, Masoome Sheikhi, Liudmila Filippovich, Rakesh Kumar, Evgenij Dikusar, Hooriye Yahyaei, Mehrnoosh Khaleghian // Journal of Molecular Structure. 2017. – Vol. 1148. – P. 134-149.
50) Adsorption Properties of the New Anti-Cancer Drug Alectinib on CNT(6,6-6) Nanotube: Geometry Optimization, Molecular Structure, Spectroscopic (NMR, UV/Vis, Excited State), FMO, MEP and HOMO–LUMO Investigations / Masoome Sheikhi, Siyamak Shahab, Radwan Alnajjar, Mahin Ahmadianarog // Journal of Cluster Science. 2018. – Vol. 18. – P. 1460-1469.
51) DFT study of physisorption effect of CO and CO2 on furanocoumarins for air purification / Siyamak Shahab, Masoome Sheikhid, Mehrnoosh Khaleghiane, Rakesh Kumar, Marina Murashko // Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2018. – Vol. 6. – P. 4784-4796.
52) Физическая адсорбция между молекулой куркумина и углеродной нанотрубкой (8,0-6) / И.И. Балаханова, С.Н. Шахаб // Сахаровские чтения 2018 года: Экологические проблемы XXI века. Материалы 18-ой международной научной конференции: Минск, Беларусь, 17-18 мая 2018 г. / Международный государственный экологический институт имени А.Д. Сахарова Белорусского государственного университета. – Беларусь., 2018. – С. 203.
53) Interaction between new synthesized derivative of (E,E) azomethines and BN(6,6-7) nanotube for biochemical applications / S. Shahab, M. Sheikhi, M. Murashko, L. Filippovich, E. Dikusar, A. Pazniak // Тезисы II международной научной конференции «Техногенные системы и экологический риск»: Обнинск. Россия, 19-20 апреля, 2018. – Россия., 2018. – С. 274.
54) DFT study of physiosorption effect of CO and CO2 on Furanocoumarins for air purification / Shahab, M. Sheikhi, M. Murashko // Тезисы II международной научной конференции «Техногенные системы и экологический риск»: Обнинск. Россия, 19-20 апреля, 2018. – Россия., 2018. – С. 273.
55) DFT study of physiosorption of the curcumin on CNT(8,0-6) nanotube for biochemical application / S. Shahab, M. Sheikhi, I. Balakhanava // Тезисы II международной научной конференции «Техногенные системы и экологический риск»: Обнинск. Россия, 19-20 апреля, 2018. – Россия., 2018. – С. 272.
56) ANTIRADICAL ACTIVITY OF FERMENTED COW COLOSTRUM / A. Bondareva, S. Shahab // Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Conference of young scientists, graduates, master and PhD students: Minsk, Republic of Belarus / The International State Environmental Institute named after A.D. Sakharov Belarusian State University. – Belarus., 2018 November 22–23. – P. 35.
57) PHYSICOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NATURAL ANTICANCER COMPOUNDS / A. Cherneyko, I. Balakhanava, S. Shahab, M. Sheikhi // Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Conference of young scientists, graduates, master and PhD students: Minsk, Republic of Belarus / The International State Environmental Institute named after A.D. Sakharov Belarusian State University. – Belarus., 2018 November 22–23. – P. 39.
58) EXCRETION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF POLYPHENOLS OF MEDICINAL PLANTS / M. Drachilovskaya, S. Shahab // Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Conference of young scientists, graduates, master and PhD students: Minsk, Republic of Belarus / The International State Environmental Institute named after A.D. Sakharov Belarusian State University. – Belarus., 2018 November 22–23. – P. 40.
59) DFT STUDY OF PHYSISORPTION EFFECT OF CO AND CO2 ON FURANOCOUMARINS FOR AIR PURIFICATION / M. Murashko, S. Shahab, M. Sheikhi, M. Khaleghian // Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Conference of young scientists, graduates, master and PhD students: Minsk, Republic of Belarus / The International State Environmental Institute named after A.D. Sakharov Belarusian State University. – Belarus., 2018 November 22–23. – P. 60.
60) SPECTROSCOPIC STUDIES (GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION, E → Z ISOMERIZATION, UV/VIS, EXCITED STATES, FT-IR, HOMO-LUMO, FMO, MEP, NBO) OF NEW AZOMETHINE DYESFOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS / A. Pazniak, S. Shahab, M. Sheikhi, E. Dikusar // Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Conference of young scientists, graduates, master and PhD students: Minsk, Republic of Belarus / The International State Environmental Institute named after A.D. Sakharov Belarusian State University. – Belarus., 2018 November 22–23. – P. 64.
61) Оптические свойства и светостойкость производных 1,4-фенилендиамина и бифенил-4,41-диамина, ориентированных в матрице из поливинилового спирта / Л.Н. Филиппович, Е.А. Дикусар, С.Н. Шахаб, В.Е. Агабеков // Тезисы докладов XXXI международной научно-технической конференции «Реактив-2018»: Минск, 2-4 октября 2018 / ИХНМ НАН Б. – Беларусь., 2018. – С. 23.
62) Влияние композита Fe3O4/CeO2 и полианилина на оптические свойства и светостойкость (4-(фенилдиазенил)анилина, ориентированного в матрице из поливинилового спирта / Л.Н. Филиппович, Ж.В. Игнатович, Х.А. Новик, Е.А. Дикусар, С.Н. Шахаб, В.Е. Агабеков // Тезисы докладов XXXI международной научно-технической конференции «Реактив-2018»: Минск, 2-4 октября 2018 / ИХНМ НАН Б. – Беларусь., 2018. – С. 34.
Patents for inventions of the Republic of Belarus for the last 5 years (2014-2018)
1) 6-Амино-4-гидрокси-3-{[4-((фенил)азо)фенил]азо}-2-нафталинсульфокислота и ее применение. Номер патента: 18134. Опубликовано: 30.04.2014
Авторы: Малашко Павел Митрофанович, Алхосейни Алмодарресие Хора Мохаммед Али, Шахаб Сиямак Насер, Агабеков Владимир Енокович, Арико Надежда Григорьевна, Филиппович Людмила Николаевна.
2) Поляризационный делитель. Номер патента: 20399. Опубликовано: 25.05.2016.
Авторы: Агабеков Владимир Енокович, Курилкина Светлана Николаевна, Казак Николай Станиславович, Белый Владимир Николаевич, Мащенок Александр Георгиевич, Арико Надежда Григорьевна, Шахаб Сиямак Насер