Academic degree and rank: Doctor in Biology, Associate Professor
Phone: (017) 317-99-93
Address: Minsk, Dolgobrodaskaya str., 23/1, room 205-1
Reception schedule: the 1st Tuesday of the month, 8:00-14:00
Graduated from Belarusian Agricultural Academy in 1985 in the specialty «Agronomy». In 2011, the Academy of Public Administration in the specialty «Specialist in public administration». In 1992 at the Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Belarus he defended PhD thesis, in 2021 doctoral thesis in the specialty 03.02.08 «Ecology».
2003 – 2015, 2022 – current, works at ISEI BSU.
He is a quilified specialist in environmental manangent, product life cycle assessment, renewable energy. His research interests are bioenergetics, ecology of agricultural production. Oleg Ivanovich is one of the authors of course of lectures, laboratory works and practical classes in «Fundamentals of Ecology».
He is one of the authors of curriculum and educational standards for the I stage specialty 1-57 01 02 Environmental Management and audit in industry, and for the II stage specialty 1-33 80 01 Ecology.
Oleg Ivanovich has more than 270 scientific papers including: 3 monographs, 2 training manuals with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, 16 training and methodological aids.
- SRP «Scientific basics of complex use, storage, reproduction of natural resource potential, environmental improvement» (for 2011-2015).
- SRP «Energy systems, processes and technology» (for 2016-2020).
- SRP «Natural resources and environment» (for 2021-2025) subprogram «Biodiversity, bioresources, ecology» and subprogram «Natural resources and their rational use».
- Project ЕС /129710/C/SER/BY Program “Implementation support of complex energy policy of the Republic of Belarus»
- Project EU DCI-ENV/2010/220-473) «Introducing of a new concept of wetland management for sustainable energy production based on biomass (Swamp energy)»
- TEMPUS project “Environmental management in environmental education”