Academic degree and title: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Post: Head of the Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety
Phone: (017) 379-00-91
E-mail: : kiyavitskaya@iseu.by, hannakiev@gmail.com
Disciplines taught
Key results and projects
List of publications
Sources of additional information
Disciplines taught
- “Physics of the nucleus and ionizing radiation”,
- “Neutron Physics”,
- “Nuclear fuel cycle”,
- “Legal regulation of nuclear and radiation safety”,
- “Introduction to the specialty”.
Key results and projects
- Participation and management of projects to create the world’s first subcritical stand controlled by an external YALINA neutron source, consisting of two subcritical assemblies (with thermal and fast-thermal neutron spectra), a neutron generator, a measuring complex and life support systems.
- IAEA expert on innovative nuclear installations and expert of the Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in nuclear safety of nuclear installations.
- Member of the Research and Technical Council of the RTC NRS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
1975 | Graduated from the Physics Department of BSU named after V. I. Lenin |
1976-1991 | Worked at the Institute of Nuclear Energy of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, after reorganization – at the Institute of Radiation Physical and Chemical Problems (1992-2002) |
1987-1991 | Postgraduate course of the Institute of Nuclear Energy |
1991 | Defended PhD thesis in Technical Sciences on “Mesocatalytic hybrid reactor. Neutron-physical characteristics and energy balance” |
1992-2002 | Worked at the Institute of Radiation Physical and Chemical Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus as a researcher and senior researcher |
2002-2015 | Worked at the Joint Institute of Energy and Nuclear Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus as a leading researcher, scientific secretary, and Deputy General Director for Research |
2016-2017 | Deputy Head of the Radiation and Environmental Monitoring Service and Head of the Radiation and Environmental Laboratory Research Service of Belhydromet |
2016 | Associate Professor of the Chair of Nuclear and Radiation Safety of International Sakharov Environmental Institute of BSU |
Since 2018 | Head of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Chair |
List of publications
154 scientific papers have been published including a co-author of a collective monograph.
Over the past 5 years, 40 scientific papers have been published, 10 in peer-reviewed journals:
- «Атомная энергия»;
- «Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Термоядерный синтез»;
- «Annals of Nuclear Energy»;
- «Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research».
- Kievitskaia, A. p–-mesons and Nucleon Yields from Light Targets Irradiated by Deuterium and Tritium Nuclei Beams at Energies 1 GeV/nucleon /S. Chigrinov, K. Gudima, A. Kievitskaia, V. Petlitski // Hyperfine Interactions. – 1993. – Vol. 77. – Р. 149-159.
- Kievitskaia, A. Relevance of Mesocatalytic Hybrid Reactors for Accumulation of Fissile Nuclei and Energy Balance Analysis /S. Chigrinov, A. Kievitskaia, V. Petlitskij // Nuclear Fusion. – Vol. 33, № 5 – 1993. – P. 815 – 820.
- Киевицкая, А.И. Подкритический стенд «ЯЛIНА» для изучения нейтронно-физических характеристик подкритических систем, управляемых ускорителями / А.И. Киевицкая, Ю.Г. Фоков // Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Сер. Термоядерный синтез. – 2015. – Т. 38, вып. 3. – С. 50 – 55.
- Киевицкая, А.И. Исследования в области перспективных ядерно-энергетических систем для производства энергии и выжигания радиоактивных отходов / А.И. Киевицкая //Энергетическая стратегия.- 2009. -№5. – С. 28 – 32.
- Persson, C.-M. Pulsed neuton source measurements in the subcritical ADS experiment YALINA-Booster /C.-M. Persson, A. Fokau, I.Serafimovich, V.Bournos, Yu. Fokov, Ch. Routkovskaia, H. Kiyavitskaya, W. Gudowski // Annals of Nuclear Energy. – 2008. 35, No. 12. – P. 2357 – 2364.
- Talamo, A. Correction factor for the experimental prompt neutron decay constant / A. Talamo, Y.Gohar, S.Sadovich, H. Kiyavitskaya, V.Bournos, Yu. Fokov, C.Routkovskaya // Annals of Nuclear Energy. – 2013. – Vol. 62. – P. 421 – 428.
- Talamo, A. Monte Carlo and deterministic neutronics analyses of YALINA Thermal Facility and comparison with experimental results /A. Talamo, Y. Gohar, H. Kiyavitskaya, V. Bournos, Y. Fokov and C.Routkovskaya //Nuclear Technology. -2013. – Vol.184. – P. 131-147.
- Talamo, A. High enriched to low enriched fuel conversion in YALINA Booster facility /A. Talamo, Y. Gohar, S. Sadovich, H. Kiyavitskaya, V.Bournos, Y.Fokov, C. Routkovskaya //Progress in Nuclear Energy. – 2014. – Vol.70. – P. 43-53.
- Talamo, A. Pulse superimposition calculational methodology for estimating the subcriticality level of nuclear fuel assemblies /A.Talamo, Y.Gohar, C.Rabiti, G.Aliberti, F.Kondev, D.Smith, Z.Zhong, H.Kiyavitskaya, V. Bournos, Y.Fokov, C.Routkovskaya, I.Serafimovich // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. – – Vol. 606, № 3. – Р. 661 – 668.
- Батяев, Е.Ф. Бенчмарк-эксперименты для верификации расчетных параметров бланкетов термоядерного источника нейтронов /Ю.Е.Титаренко, Павлов К.В., Титаренко А.Ю., Киевицкая А.И., Алексеев Р.Н., Гуревич М.И., Е.Ф. Батяев, Дудников А.А., Жиркин А.В., Кутеев Б.В., Колдовский А.В., Фоков Ю.Г. //Атомная энергия. – 2016. – Т. 120. – Bып.1. – P. 43-48.
- Furukawa, A road map for the realization of global-scale thorium breeding fuel cycle by single molten-fluoride flow /K. Furukawa, K. Arakawa, L.Berrin Erbay, Y. Ito, Y. Kato, H.Kiyavitskaya, J. Pleasant, R. Mour, A. Lecocq, V. Simonenko, D.Sood, C. Urbun, R. Yoshioko // Energy Conversion and Management. – 2008. –Vol.49. – P. 1832–1848.
- Развитие атомной энергетики в Республике Беларусь Киевицкая А.И., В.Т. Казазян, Кузьмин А.В., Малыхин А.П. // Человек, Энергия, Атом. – 2015. – №1 (23) – С. 22 – 25.
- Бенчмарк-эксперименты для верификации расчетных параметров бланкетов термоядерного источника нейтронов / Ю.Е.Титаренко, Павлов К.В., Титаренко А.Ю., Киевицкая А.И., Алексеев Р.Н., Гуревич М.И., Е.Ф. Батяев, Дудников А.А., Жиркин А.В., Кутеев Б.В., Колдовский А.В., Фоков Ю.Г. //Атомная энергия. – 2016. – Т. 120. – Bып.1. – P. 43-48.
- Подкритический стенд «ЯЛIНА» для изучения нейтронно-физических характеристик подкритических систем, управляемых ускорителями / Киевицкая А.И., Фоков Ю.Г. // ВАНТ. Сер. Термоядерный синтез, 2015, т. 38, вып. 3 с.53-58.
- The experimental program YALINA to support the projects of the subcritical systems driven by external neutron sources /Киевицкая А.И. //Вестник НЯЦ Казахстана выпуск 3(71) 2017г. – С.5-11
- Dubrouski A.I.. Kiyavitskaya /Simulation of Interaction of high energy proton beam with heavy targets //Письма в ЭЧАЯ. – Т. 17, № 1 (226). – 2020. – С. 9–19.
- Киевицкая А.И. /Вenchmark experiments at YALINA-Thermal subcritical assembly Журнал БГУ Экология – № 1. – 2020. – С. 83 – 90
- E.Titareko, V.F. Batyaev, K.V. Pavlov / 208,207,206,natPb(p,x)207Bi and 209Bi (p,x)207Bi excitation functions in the energy range of 0.04 – 2.6 GeV // Yu.E. Titarenko, V.F. Batyaev, K.V. Pavlov, A.Yu. Titarenko, S.V. Malinovskiy, V.I. Rogov, V.M. Zhivun, T.V. Kulevoy, M.V. Chauzova, S.V. Lushin A.V. Ignatyuk, P.N. Aleekseev, V.Yu. Blandinskiy, A.A. Kovalishin, S.I. Tyutyunnikov, A.A. Baldin, A.N. Sosnin, M.I. Baznat, A.Yu. Stankovskiy, A.I, Dubrovskii, H.I. Kiyavitskaya, Tao Hue, Yang Tian, Ming Zeng, Zhi Zeng, Toshihiko Sato // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 984 (2020) 164635.
The Hirsch index is 9 (Scopus).
Sources of additional information