Organizing Committee

International organizing committee

Local organizing committee

Alexandrovich Oleg R.,

Head of the Department of Ecology and Physiology of Animals of Pomeranian Academy (Slupsk, Poland)

Rodzkin Aleh I.,

Director of ISEI BSU, Chairman

Astabatsyan Musheg A.,

Rector of Armenian Medical Institute (Erevan, Armenia)

Yankovsky Oleg N.,

Deputy Vice-Rector for Science of BSU, Head of General Directorate of Science, Deputy Chairman

Bolotin Sergey N.,

Head of the Department of Geo-ecology and Nature Management of Kuban State University (Krasnodar, the Russian Federation)

Germenchuk Maria G.,

Deputy Director for Science of ISEI BSU, Deputy Chairman

Ahmet Demirak

Head of the Department of Research and Solutions of Environmental Problems of Mugla University (Mugla, Turkey)

Zhuravkov Vladislav V.,

Deputy Director for Education of ISEI BSU

Dzyatkovskaya Elena N.,

Leading Researcher of the Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education, Supervisor of UNESCO chair «Environmental Education for Sustainable Development in Global World» (Moscow, the Russian Federation)

Vetoshkin Alexei A.,

Deputy Director for Ideological Work of ISEI BSU

Korovin Yuri A.,

Head of the Department of General and Special Physics, branch of the National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Obninsk, the Russian Federation)

Adamovich Tatyana V.,

Chief Accountant of ISEI BSU

Krasnogorskaya Nataliya N.,

Professor of the Department of Production Safety and Industrial Ecology of Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Ufa, the Russian Federation)

Alexeichik Elena V.,

Head of International Relations Department

Lukashenko Sergey N.,

Senior Researcher of All-Russian Research Institute of Radiology and Agroecology (Obninsk, the Russian Federation)

Balyabo Valentina V.,

Head of HR and Organizational Department of ISEI BSU

Mirsaidov Ulmas M.,

Leading Researcher of the Agency for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)

Batyan Anatoly N.,

Head of Environmental Medicine and Radiobiology Chair of ISEI BSU

Ratko Ristic

Vice-Rector for International Affairs of Belgrade University

Verevka-Zinovich Tatyana P.,

Leading specialist of Research Sector of ISEI BSU

Khushvakhtzoda Kobiljon Kh.,

Rector of Tajik National University (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)

Golovaty Sergey E.,

Head of Environmental Monitoring and Management Chair of ISEI BSU

Stepanov Stanislav A.,

Professor of International Independent Ecological and Political Science University (Moscow, the Russian Federation)

Gonchar Tatyana N.,

I category economist of Planning and Economic Sector of ISEI BSU

Turkeldieva Rimma T.,

Deputy Director for Training and Methodological Work of the Institute «Water Management, Ecology and Construction» of Taraz Regional University (Taraz, Kazakhstan)

Dovgulevich Natalya N.,

Head of Linguistic Disciplines and International Communications Chair of ISEI BSU

Udalova Alla A.,

Professor of the Department of Nuclear Physics and Technologies of Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, branch of the National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (the Russian Federation)

Zafranskaya Marina M.,

Head of Immunology Chair of ISEI BSU

Frontasieva Marina V.,

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Advisor to the Directorate of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (Dubna, the Russian Federation)

Vaitsekhovich Nikolai N.,

Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Work of ISEI BSU

Hyppönen Kari 

Baltic Sea Region University Network, President (Turku, Finland)

Kasperovich Olga V.,

Head of Planning and Economic Sector of ISEI BSU

Chernaya Violetta V.,

Associate Professor of the Department of Disaster and Emergency Medicine of Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov (Ryazan, the Russian Federation)

Kernitskaya Elena P.,

Head of Procurement and Logistics Department of ISEI BSU


Krutalevich Mikhail M.,

Head of Physical Education Department of ISEI BSU


Medushevskaya Veronika V.,

Head of Educational Work with Youth Department of ISEI BSU


Michalevic Milana M.,

Head of Continuing Education Chair of ISEI BSU


Novikova Nataliya M.,

Head of Training and Methodological Department of ISEI BSU


Pashinsky Vasily A.,

Head of Energy Efficient Technologies Chair of ISEI BSU


Puplikov Sergey I.,

Head of Social and Humanitarian Sciences and Sustainable Development Chair of ISEI BSU


Putik Vladimir S.,

Dean of Advanced Training and Retraining Faculty of ISEI BSU


Sechko Ekaterina V.,

Head of ISEI BSU Library


Tonkonogov Boris A.,

Dean of Environmental Monitoring Faculty of ISEI BSU


Tsybulko Nikolai N.,

Head of Research Sector of ISEI BSU


Chernetskaya Alla G.,

Head of General Biology and Genetics Chair of ISEI BSU


Shalkevich Konstantin I.,

Head of Technical Training and Communication Tools Department of ISEI BSU


Savastenko Nataliya A.,

Head of Nuclear and Medical Technologies Chair of ISEI BSU


Shahab Siyamak Nasser

Head of Environmental Chemistry and Biochemistry Chair of ISEI BSU


Sheverdov Vladimir V.,

Dean of Environmental Medicine Faculty