Chair of Information Technologies in Ecology and Medicine

Head of the Chair – Tavgen Igor Antonovich

Phone: +375 17 244-49-44

Specialists: +375 17 399-36-03, +375 17 373-29-57

Address: Minsk, Botanicheskaya str., 15, room 314


Academic staff

Full nameDiscipline taught
Tavgen Igor AntonovichHead of the Chair, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Shalkevich Pavel Konstantinovich Associate Professor
Ivanyukovich Vladimir AlexandrovichPhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor
Karpey Anatoly Leonidovich PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor
Smirnova Tatyana Vasilyevna PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor
Kukankov Grigory PetrovichSenior teacher
Lefanova Irina VladimirovnaSenior teacher
Nikolaenko Ekaterina AnatolyevnaSenior teacher
Antonovich Oksana AlexandrovnaTeacher
Buchukova Tatyana VladimirovnaTeacher
Kot Elena VladimirovnaTeacher
Grinchik Nikolai NikolaevichProfessor
Sipach Viacheslav AlexandrovichSenior teacher
Spasibenko Elena YurievnaSenior teacher
Shesholko Vladimir KonstantinovichAssociate Professor
Giro Alexei VladimirovichSenior teacher
Zhuravkov Vladislav VladimirovichPhD in Biology, Associate Professor
Tonkonogov Boris AlexandrovichPhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Educational support staff

Bogdanovich Andrei ViktorovichSoftware Engineer