6-05-0533-03 Applied Physics

6-05-0533-03 Applied Physics:


  1. Medical Physics


Students study Relevant issues of biological and medical physics, physical methods applied in oncology and radiology, diagnostics, therapy.

Students undergo two week research training during the studies. Training based on regional and city cancer centers.

The opportunity to study the following additional disciplines: 

“Philosophy and methodological science”, “Foreign language”, “Fundamentals of information technologies” followed by a candidate’s examination and a credit necessary to enter a postgraduate course.

Graduates • gain skills in applying physical methods in medicine, skills in working with medical equipment applied, mainly, in oncology, medical radiology for diagnostics and treatment purposes;

Leading specialists of healthcare institutions (including cancer centers) are involved in the educational process.

Requirements completed higher education (bachelor’s degree);

• successfully pass the interview both on language proficiency (English or Russian) and profile disciplines.

Description of study Period of study: September 1 – June 30. There are 2 week holidays between semesters in winter. Students write a master’s thesis in the 3rd (4) semester. 



Subject Credits (ECTS) Academic hours
Module “Relevant problems of medical and biological physics” (Relevant issues of biological and medical physics, Radiobiology. Radiation Safety in Medicine, Physical basis of up to date medical technologies 9 324
Module “Computer modeling” (Image processing in medicine, Computer system biology/Genomics and bioinformatics) 9 306
Module “Physical methods in cardiology and oncology” Biophysics of pathological processes, Physical basis of nuclear medicine/Radionuclide diagnostics and therapy, Diagnostics and treatment of cancer diseases)  9 308
Module “Physical methods of diagnostics and therapy” (Equipment and methods of functional diagnostics/Equipment and methods of laboratory diagnostics, Advanced methods of medical introscopy/Magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography, Laser therapy, Radiation diagnostics and therapy/Ultrasound diagnostics and therapy)    15 514


Graduate competencies • be aware of the issues in the field of biological and medical physics;

• understand and apply advanced scientific achievements and innovative technologies in the field of biological and medical physics in your professional activity, use knowledge in the field general physics to master physical research methods applied in medicine;

• use administration software of intellectual medical information systems, organizational technical, technical sources of data protection in public health;

•  use advanced methods and technologies of image processing to work with medical data and disease diagnostics;

• plan, optimize and carry out diagnostic therapeutic process in nuclear medicine, radiation diagnostics, cancer disease therapy, assess radiation dose of patients and staff, provide radiation safety of patients, staff and environment;

• provide management and ensure quality control of equipment, devices related to diagnostics, treatment, dosimetry and radiation safety; conduct technical verification, maintenance of equipment, devices, diagnostic and treatment methods, radiation planning systems.

Continuation of study  III stage of higher education
Postgraduate Course (III stage) • 03.01.01 Radiobiology

• 03.01.02 Biophysics

• 05.11.10. Facilities and methods to measure ionizing radiation and x-ray equipment