- метады матэматычнай фізікі;
- квантавая фізіка;
- электрадынаміка;
- тэорыя верагоднасці і матэматычная статыстыка.
Прапанаваў мадэль, якая аб’ядноўвае ўсе магчымыя варыянты тэорыі электрослабых узаемадзеянняў з лева-правай сіметрыяй і ў рамках гэтай мадэлі даў тлумачэнне велічыні назіранага на вопыце анамальнага магнітнага моманту мюона. Вывучаючы фізіку сонечных працэсаў, прадказаў карэляцыю нейтрыннага патоку з сонечнымі выбліскамі. Усталяваў межы на масы цяжкіх нейтрына, якія з’яўляюцца кандыдатамі на часціцы халоднай цёмнай матэрыі ў Сусвеце. Паказаў, што ў рамках лева-правай мадэлі можна атрымаць згоду тэорыі з эксперыментам па назіранні радыяцыйнага распаду мюона. Атрымаў супадаюць з эксперыментам верхнія межы на магнітныя дыпольныя моманты нейтрына. Прадказаў найбольш перспектыўныя рэакцыі для дэтэктавання цяжкіх нейтрына ва ўмовах вялікага адроннага коллайдера.
1996 г. | Фондам International Soros Science Education Program было прысвоена званне Soros Associate Professor |
2006 г. | Навуковая біяграфія включется ў “who’s Who in Science and Engineering” (Marquis Publishing House, USA) |
2007 г. | The International Biographical Centre of Cambridge прысуджае намінацыю “International Scientist of the Year” |
З 2008 г. – наст. вр. | Навуковая біяграфія штогод уключаецца ў выданні”who’s Who in the World” (Marquis Publishing House, USA) |
2008 г. | The International Biographical Centre of Cambridge ўносіць у спіс 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the Century 21th |
2014 г. | Прысуджаецца ГАНАРОВАЯ ГРАМАТА Нацыянальнага Сходу Рэспублікі Беларусь за вялікі ўклад у рэалізацыю сацыяльнай палітыкі Рэспублікі Беларусь i шматгадовую палонную навукова-педагагічную дзейнасць |
2015 г. | The International Biographical Centre of Cambridge прысуджае THE CAMBRIDGE CERTIFICATE for Outstanding Scientific Achievement |
Старэйшы выкладчык кафедры фізікі Краматорск індустрыяльнага інстытута. Дацэнт кафедры тэарэтычнай фізікі Гродзенскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта, загадчык кафедры тэарэтычнай фізікі Гродзенскага дзяржаўнага універсітэта. Загадчык кафедры тэарэтычнай фізікі ў Беларускім дзяржаўным педагагічным універсітэце, прафесар кафедры тэарэтычнай фізікі ў Беларускім дзяржаўным педагагічным універсітэце. Прафесар кафедры фізікі і вышэйшай матэматыкі ў «Міжнародным дзяржаўным экалагічным інстытуце ім. А. Д. Сахарава Беларускага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта». Чытаў спецкурсы па фізіцы элементарных часціц у універсітэтах Польшчы (Варшава, Кракаў) і Германіі (Аахен, Білефельд). У 1994 і 2004 гг. стажыраваўся ў Міжнародным цэнтры тэарэтычнай фізікі ім. А. Салама (Трыест, Італія). У “МГЭИ ім. А. Д. Сахарава” БДУ працуе з красавіка 2012 г. па цяперашні час.
Манаграфіі і падручнікі:
- M. Boyarkin, I. O. Boyarkina, Solar neutrinos as indicators of the Sun’s activity, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 34 (2019) 1950227, (e-Print: 2004.10056 [astro-ph.SR])
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Lepton Flavor-Violating Decays of the Higgs Boson within the Left-Right Symmetric Mode, Nonlin. Phenom. Complex Syst. 21 (2018) 102-113
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, D. S. Vasileuskaya, Neutrino mixings as a source of lepton flavor violations, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 33 (2018) 1850201,([e-Print: 1901.11238 [hep-ph])
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, D. S. Vasileuskaya, The Higgs boson decays with the lepton flavor violation, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 33 (2018) 1850103, (e-Print: 1902.04481 [hep-ph])
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, D. S. Vasileuskaya, Decays of Z and Higgs bosons going charged with lepton flavor violation, Nonlin. Phenom. Complex Syst. 21 (2018) 326-334
- M. Boyarkin, I. O. Boyarkina, Solar flares and their associated processes, 2017, (e-Print: 1711.09247 [hep-ph])
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Can we observe the new physics manifestations by the use of ultra-high energy cosmic neutrinos?, Astropart. Phys. 96 (2017) 18-23
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V. V. Makhnach, Neutrino Multipole Moments and Related Phenomena, Nonlin.Phenom.Complex Syst. 20 (2017) 4, 337-346
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Influence of solar flares on behavior of solar neutrino flux, Astropart. Phys. 85 (2016) 39-42, (e-Print: 1609.05860 [hep-ph])
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, On probing Higgs couplings in H→Ze+e− і e+e−→ZH, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 31 (2016) 1650005
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Electromagnetic properties of neutrinos in the left-right model, Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014) 025001
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Magnetic moment of the Majorana neutrino in the left-right symmetric model, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 76 (2013) 504-514, Yad. Сіз. 76 (2013) 542-552
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V. V. Makhnatch, Productions and Decays of Heavy Neutrinos, Nonlin. Phenom. Complex Syst. 16 (2013) 357-364
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Neutrino magnetic moment as a signal of new physics, Contribution to: NPQCD 2013, 49-64
- M. Boyarkin, Advanced particle physics. Vol. 1: Particles, Fields, and Quantum Electrodynamics, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Pr. (2011) 639 p
- M. Boyarkin, Advanced particle physics. Vol. 2: Standard Model and Beyond, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Pr. (2011) 555 p
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V. V. Makhnatch, Multipole moments of gauge bosons, Contribution to: 15th International School and Conference on Foundation and Advances in Nonlinear Science (FANS 2010), 55-62
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Effect of the neutrino magnetic moment on the properties of the muon, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 72 (2009) 607-618, Yad. Сіз. 72 (2009) 647-658
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V. V. Machnach, Phenomenological consequences of the neutrino anomalous magnetic moment, in Proc. the 13th Annual Seminar NPCS’2006 “Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications”, Minsk, May, 2006, (ed. L. F. Babichev, V. I. Kuvshinov) Belarus, Minsk, 2006, P. 159-166.
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V. V. Machnach, The анамалія – History with Continuation, Actual Problems of Microworld Physics (Proceedings of International School-Seminar, Gomel, Belarus, July 23-Жнівень 3, 2007, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna,2008, V.-2, P. – 162-179.
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Neutrino Flux in a Plane Electromagnetic Wave, Actual Problems of Microworld Physics (Proceedings of International School-Seminar, Gomel, Belarus, July 23-Жнівень 3, 2007, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 2008, V.-2 (2008) P.-179-188.
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Radiative muon and tau decays, in Proc. the XVIth Annual Seminar NPCS’2009 “Fractals, Хаос, Phase Transition”, Minsk, May 19-22, 2009, (ed. L. F. Babichev, V. I. Kuvshinov) Belarus, Minsk, 2009, P. 280-287
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Radiative muon decay, in Proc. Inter. School-Seminar “New Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics at external Conditions”, May 3-6, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 2009 (ed. V. Skalozub et al), Dnipropetrovsk, 2009, P. 15-21.
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Muon as a Probe of New Physics, in Proc. Inter. School-Seminar “Actual Problems of Microworld Physics”, Gomel, Belarus, July 15-26, 2009) (ed. A. Ilychev et al.), Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 2009, P. 315-325.
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Radiative muon decay, Contribution to: NPQCD 2009, 9-14
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V. V. Makhnach, anomaly within the left-right symmetric model, Phys. Rev. D 77 (2008) 033004
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Indirect methods for determining heavy-neutrino masses, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 68 (2005) 2047-2060, Yad. Сіз. 68 (2005) 2109-2122
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, T. I. Bakanova, Estimations of heavy neutrino masses and mixing in models with an extended Higgs sector, Phys. Rev. D 70 (2004) 113010
23.O.M. Boyarkin, T. I. Bakanova, anomaly and neutrino oscillations within the left-right model, Preprint ICTP, IC/2003/163, Trieste, Italy,200317 p
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, анамалія, Higgs bosons, and heavy neutrinos, Phys. Rev.D 67 (2003) 073023
- M. Boyarkin, Higgs bosons and neutrinos in the left-right model, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 64 (2001) 305-317, Yad. Сіз. 64 (2001) 352-366
- M. Boyarkin, T. I. Bakanova, Solar neutrinos in models involving an extended Higgs sector, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 64 (2001) 1971-1987, Yad. Сіз. 64 (2001) 2056-2072
- M. Boyarkin, T. I. Bakanova, Solar neutrino oscillations in extensions of the standard model, Phys. Rev. D 62 (2000) 075008
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, A. N. Senko, Higgs bosons in the left-right model, Eur. Phys. J. C 13 (2000) 99-115
- M. Boyarkin, A. N. Senko, Higgs charged bosons and the problem of solar neutrinos, Russ. Phys. J. 41 (2000) 28-32, Izv. Vuz. Сіз. 41N1 (2000) 32-37
- M. Boyarkin, Solar neutrino oscillations in extensions of the standard model, Contribution to: 9th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics: Particle Physics on the Boundary of the Millenium, 1999, 172-177
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, e– μ + →e+ μ process in a model with the SU(2) L x SU(2) Rx U(1){B-L} gauge group, Russ. Phys. J. 41 (1998) 1139-1144, Izv.Vuz. Сіз. 41 (1998) 83-88
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Exploring the Higgs sector in the SU(2)L x SU(2)R x U(B-L) model at lepton colliders, Contribution to: 9th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics: Particle Physics on the Boundary of the Millenium, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 61 (1998) 683-694, Yad. Сіз. 61 (1998) 575-768
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Searches for violation of lepton flavor at muon colliders, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 60 (1997) 601-611, Yad. Сіз. 60 (1997) 683-694
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Lepton number nonconserving processes at muon colliders, Contribution to: 2nd Minsk Workshop on Theoretical Physics Quantum Systems: New Trends and Methods (QS 96), 281-285
- M. Boyarkin, Majorana neutrino oscillations in left-right models, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 59 (1996) 848-855, Yad. Сіз. 59 (1996) 886-893
- M. Boyarkin, Influence of solar flares on neutrino oscillations, Russ. Phys. J. 39 (1996) 597-600, Izv.Vuz.Сіз. 39 (1996) 116-120
- M. Boyarkin, The Solar neutrino problem within the left-right model, Phys. Rev. D 53 (1996) 5298-5309
- M. Boyarkin, Asymmetric left-right model of electroweak interactions, Phys. Rev. D 50 (1994) 2247-2255
- M. Boyarkin, Search for manifestations of left-right symmetry on e – e+ colliders, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 57 (1994) 2151-2157, Yad. Сіз. 57 (1994) 2238-2245
- M. Boyarkin, Continuous left-right symmetric model of the electroweak interactions, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 56 (1993) 77-82, Yad. Сіз. 56 (1993) 135-145, Yad. Сіз. 56 (1993) 135-145
- M. Boyarkin, The Continuous left-right symmetric and antisymmetric models, Acta Phys. Polon. B 23 (1992) 1031-1045
- M. Boyarkin, The left-right models of electroweak interactions, Contribution to: 15th International Warsaw Meeting on Elementary Particle Physics: Quest for Links to New Physics, 1993, 274-279
- M. Boyarkin, Production of gauge bosons in left-right symmetric theories, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 54 (1991) 506-510, Yad. Сіз. 54 (1991) 839-846
- M. Boyarkin, Production of W bosons in e+ e – collisions, Sov. Phys. J. 34 (1991) 110-114, Izv. Vuz, Fiz. (1991) No. 2, 28-32)
- M. Boyarkin, W boson with multipole moments, Sov. Phys. J. 33 (1990) 769-772, Izv. Vuz, Fiz. (1990) No. 9, 58-61)
- M. Boyarkin, Pair production W bosons in model, Acta Phys.Polon. B 21 (1990) 495-499
- M. Boyarkin, Production of W+- bosons in e+ e – colliding beams, In «Kazimierz 1990, Proceedings, Physics of elementary interactions», Contribution to: XIII Warsaw Symposium on Elementary Particle Physics, 1990, 255-261
- M. Boyarkin, Electromagnetic interactions of vector particles in an SO (1,1) invariant model, Sov. Phys. J. 32 (1989) 828-833, Izv. Vuz, Fiz. (1989) No. 10 79-85
- M. Boyarkin, Dual invariant theory. Renormalization. Models, Sov.Phys.J. 26 (1983) 15-18, Izv. Vuz, Fiz. (1983) No. 1 16-20
- M. Boyarkin, Renormalizable electrodynamics of charged vector particles, J. Phys. G 8 (1982) 161-165
- M. Boyarkin, Unitarity of the S-matrix in a dually invariant theory of vector particles, Sov. Phys. J. 25 (1982) 173-175, Izv. Vuz, Fiz. (1982) No. 2 102-104
- M. Boyarkin, Dually Invariant Theory of Particles of Spin 1, Sov. Phys. J. 24 (1981) 1003-1005, Izv. Vuz, Fiz. (1981) No. 11 29-32
- M. Boyarkin, Electrodynamics of Charged Vector Mesons, Izv.Vuz. Сіз. No5(1978) 101-106
- M. Boyarkin, Bremsstrahlung of Vector Mesons Індукаваны by Nuclei, Zh. Eksp.Teor. Сіз. 75 (1978) 26-39
- M. Boyarkin, The Vector Meson with Anomalous Magnetic Moment, Ukr. Сіз. Zh. (Ukr.Ed.) 21 (1976) 1453-1459
- M. Boyarkin, Electrodynamics Particles of with Spin equal 1, Ukr. Сіз. Zh. (Ukr.Ed.) 21 (1976) 296-302
- M. Boyarkin, I. O. Boyarkina, Solar neutrinos as indicators of the Sun’s activity, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 34 (2019) 1950227, (e-Print: 2004.10056 [astro-ph.SR])
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Lepton Flavor-Violating Decays of the Higgs Boson within the Left-Right Symmetric Mode, Nonlin. Phenom. Complex Syst. 21 (2018) 102-113
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, D. S. Vasileuskaya, Neutrino mixings as a source of lepton flavor violations, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 33 (2018) 1850201,([e-Print: 1901.11238 [hep-ph])
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, D. S. Vasileuskaya, The Higgs boson decays with the lepton flavor violation, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 33 (2018) 1850103, (e-Print: 1902.04481 [hep-ph])
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, D. S. Vasileuskaya, Decays of Z and Higgs bosons going charged with lepton flavor violation, Nonlin. Phenom. Complex Syst. 21 (2018) 326-334
- M. Boyarkin, I. O. Boyarkina, Solar flares and their associated processes, 2017, (e-Print: 1711.09247 [hep-ph])
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Can we observe the new physics manifestations by the use of ultra-high energy cosmic neutrinos?, Astropart. Phys. 96 (2017) 18-23
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V. V. Makhnach, Neutrino Multipole Moments and Related Phenomena, Nonlin.Phenom.Complex Syst. 20 (2017) 4, 337-346
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Influence of solar flares on behavior of solar neutrino flux, Astropart. Phys. 85 (2016) 39-42, (e-Print: 1609.05860 [hep-ph])
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, On probing Higgs couplings in H→Ze+e− і e+e−→ZH, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 31 (2016) 1650005
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Electromagnetic properties of neutrinos in the left-right model, Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014) 025001
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Magnetic moment of the Majorana neutrino in the left-right symmetric model, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 76 (2013) 504-514, Yad. Сіз. 76 (2013) 542-552
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V. V. Makhnatch, Productions and Decays of Heavy Neutrinos, Nonlin. Phenom. Complex Syst. 16 (2013) 357-364
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Neutrino magnetic moment as a signal of new physics, Contribution to: NPQCD 2013, 49-64
- M. Boyarkin, Advanced particle physics. Vol. 1: Particles, Fields, and Quantum Electrodynamics, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Pr. (2011) 639 p
- M. Boyarkin, Advanced particle physics. Vol. 2: Standard Model and Beyond, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Pr. (2011) 555 p
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V. V. Makhnatch, Multipole moments of gauge bosons, Contribution to: 15th International School and Conference on Foundation and Advances in Nonlinear Science (FANS 2010), 55-62
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Effect of the neutrino magnetic moment on the properties of the muon, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 72 (2009) 607-618, Yad. Сіз. 72 (2009) 647-658
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V. V. Machnach, Phenomenological consequences of the neutrino anomalous magnetic moment, in Proc. the 13th Annual Seminar NPCS’2006 “Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications”, Minsk, May, 2006, (ed. L. F. Babichev, V. I. Kuvshinov) Belarus, Minsk, 2006, P. 159-166.
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V. V. Machnach, The анамалія – History with Continuation, Actual Problems of Microworld Physics (Proceedings of International School-Seminar, Gomel, Belarus, July 23-Жнівень 3, 2007, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna,2008, V.-2, P. – 162-179.
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Neutrino Flux in a Plane Electromagnetic Wave, Actual Problems of Microworld Physics (Proceedings of International School-Seminar, Gomel, Belarus, July 23-Жнівень 3, 2007, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 2008, V.-2 (2008) P.-179-188.
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Radiative muon and tau decays, in Proc. the XVIth Annual Seminar NPCS’2009 “Fractals, Хаос, Phase Transition”, Minsk, May 19-22, 2009, (ed. L. F. Babichev, V. I. Kuvshinov) Belarus, Minsk, 2009, P. 280-287
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Radiative muon decay, in Proc. Inter. School-Seminar “New Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics at external Conditions”, May 3-6, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 2009 (ed. V. Skalozub et al), Dnipropetrovsk, 2009, P. 15-21.
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Muon as a Probe of New Physics, in Proc. Inter. School-Seminar “Actual Problems of Microworld Physics”, Gomel, Belarus, July 15-26, 2009) (ed. A. Ilychev et al.), Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 2009, P. 315-325.
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Radiative muon decay, Contribution to: NPQCD 2009, 9-14
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V. V. Makhnach, anomaly within the left-right symmetric model, Phys. Rev. D 77 (2008) 033004
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Indirect methods for determining heavy-neutrino masses, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 68 (2005) 2047-2060, Yad. Сіз. 68 (2005) 2109-2122
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, T. I. Bakanova, Estimations of heavy neutrino masses and mixing in models with an extended Higgs sector, Phys. Rev. D 70 (2004) 113010
23.O.M. Boyarkin, T. I. Bakanova, anomaly and neutrino oscillations within the left-right model, Preprint ICTP, IC/2003/163, Trieste, Italy,200317 p
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, анамалія, Higgs bosons, and heavy neutrinos, Phys. Rev.D 67 (2003) 073023
- M. Boyarkin, Higgs bosons and neutrinos in the left-right model, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 64 (2001) 305-317, Yad. Сіз. 64 (2001) 352-366
- M. Boyarkin, T. I. Bakanova, Solar neutrinos in models involving an extended Higgs sector, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 64 (2001) 1971-1987, Yad. Сіз. 64 (2001) 2056-2072
- M. Boyarkin, T. I. Bakanova, Solar neutrino oscillations in extensions of the standard model, Phys. Rev. D 62 (2000) 075008
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, A. N. Senko, Higgs bosons in the left-right model, Eur. Phys. J. C 13 (2000) 99-115
- M. Boyarkin, A. N. Senko, Higgs charged bosons and the problem of solar neutrinos, Russ. Phys. J. 41 (2000) 28-32, Izv. Vuz. Сіз. 41N1 (2000) 32-37
- M. Boyarkin, Solar neutrino oscillations in extensions of the standard model, Contribution to: 9th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics: Particle Physics on the Boundary of the Millenium, 1999, 172-177
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, e– μ + →e+ μ process in a model with the SU(2) L x SU(2) Rx U(1){B-L} gauge group, Russ. Phys. J. 41 (1998) 1139-1144, Izv.Vuz. Сіз. 41 (1998) 83-88
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Exploring the Higgs sector in the SU(2)L x SU(2)R x U(B-L) model at lepton colliders, Contribution to: 9th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics: Particle Physics on the Boundary of the Millenium, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 61 (1998) 683-694, Yad. Сіз. 61 (1998) 575-768
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Searches for violation of lepton flavor at muon colliders, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 60 (1997) 601-611, Yad. Сіз. 60 (1997) 683-694
- M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Lepton number nonconserving processes at muon colliders, Contribution to: 2nd Minsk Workshop on Theoretical Physics Quantum Systems: New Trends and Methods (QS 96), 281-285
- M. Boyarkin, Majorana neutrino oscillations in left-right models, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 59 (1996) 848-855, Yad. Сіз. 59 (1996) 886-893
- M. Boyarkin, Influence of solar flares on neutrino oscillations, Russ. Phys. J. 39 (1996) 597-600, Izv.Vuz.Сіз. 39 (1996) 116-120
- M. Boyarkin, The Solar neutrino problem within the left-right model, Phys. Rev. D 53 (1996) 5298-5309
- M. Boyarkin, Asymmetric left-right model of electroweak interactions, Phys. Rev. D 50 (1994) 2247-2255
- M. Boyarkin, Search for manifestations of left-right symmetry on e – e+ colliders, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 57 (1994) 2151-2157, Yad. Сіз. 57 (1994) 2238-2245
- M. Boyarkin, Continuous left-right symmetric model of the electroweak interactions, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 56 (1993) 77-82, Yad. Сіз. 56 (1993) 135-145, Yad. Сіз. 56 (1993) 135-145
- M. Boyarkin, The Continuous left-right symmetric and antisymmetric models, Acta Phys. Polon. B 23 (1992) 1031-1045
- M. Boyarkin, The left-right models of electroweak interactions, Contribution to: 15th International Warsaw Meeting on Elementary Particle Physics: Quest for Links to New Physics, 1993, 274-279
- M. Boyarkin, Production of gauge bosons in left-right symmetric theories, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 54 (1991) 506-510, Yad. Сіз. 54 (1991) 839-846
- M. Boyarkin, Production of W bosons in e+ e – collisions, Sov. Phys. J. 34 (1991) 110-114, Izv. Vuz, Fiz. (1991) No. 2, 28-32)
- M. Boyarkin, W boson with multipole moments, Sov. Phys. J. 33 (1990) 769-772, Izv. Vuz, Fiz. (1990) No. 9, 58-61)
- M. Boyarkin, Pair production W bosons in model, Acta Phys.Polon. B 21 (1990) 495-499
- M. Boyarkin, Production of W+- bosons in e+ e – colliding beams, In «Kazimierz 1990, Proceedings, Physics of elementary interactions», Contribution to: XIII Warsaw Symposium on Elementary Particle Physics, 1990, 255-261
- M. Boyarkin, Electromagnetic interactions of vector particles in an SO (1,1) invariant model, Sov. Phys. J. 32 (1989) 828-833, Izv. Vuz, Fiz. (1989) No. 10 79-85
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