Head of the Chair — Zafranskaya Marina Mikhailovna, Doctor in Medical Sciences, Professor
Address: Minsk, 23/1 Dolgobrodskaya str., room 414
Phone: +375 17 243-00-07
E-mail: kaf_immunal@iseu.by

History of the Chair
Tasks and main areas of work
Master's Course Disciplines
Materials of the department
History of the Chair
The Chair of Immunology was established on August 26, 1997 (Order No. 37-O dated on 26.08.97 based on the recommendation of the Institute Council) and is the only one in the Republic of Belarus that trains students of medical and biological profile in fundamental, clinical, laboratory and research problems of immunology.
Tasks and main areas of work
Master's Course Disciplines
Main research directions:
- Study of the environmental factor impact on biological system functioning (human and animal immune systems, immunocompetent cells, microorganisms):
- immunodeficiency mechanism formation under the influence of various environmental factors;
- method development to evaluate the immunotropic effect of biologically active compounds on the functional activity of immunocompetent cells;
- immunopathogenetic mechanisms of autoimmune diseases development;
- development, optimization and new research method development that can be used to study environmental factor impact on biological system functioning.
- development of biotechnological constructs using multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells for the treatment of socially significant human diseases (in vitro and in vivo studies)
Implementation of research projects:
- functional characteristics of memory T-cells in Parkinson’s disease, state registration number 20191464 (MO grant),
- investigate the immunomodulatory properties of polysaccharides of basidial fungi, state registration number 20191414 (grant of the Ministry of Defense),
- “Biocompatibility of multicomponent allogeneic cell cultures with decellularized liver scaffold (experimental study)”, BRFFI contract no. M19ARM-016
- development of innovative targeted anti-HIV agents (separate project of the Ministry of Defense, State registration No.: 20191188.
- Research part of BSMU.
- RSPC of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
- Institute of Microbiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
- RSPC of Transfusiology and Medical Biotechnologies of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
- Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus.
- RSPC of Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
Materials of the department
Academic Staff
Full name | Position, academic degree |
| Head of the Chair, Doctor in Medical Sciences, Professor |
Ikonnikova Natalya Valerievna | Associate Professor, PhD in Biology |
Gritskevich Evgeny Rostislavovich | Associate Professor, PhD in Biology |
Melnikova Yanina Igorevna | Senior lecturer |
Lobay Marina Valerievna | Senior lecturer |
Muzychenko Bogdan Andreevich | Trainee teacher |
Velichko Alesya Valerievna
| Teacher |
Savitskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna | Associate Professor |
Nizhegorodova Daria Borisovna | Associate Professor |
Katba Suzan | Trainee teacher |
Educational Support Staff
Full name | Position |
Astreiko Anna Arkadievna | Laboratory assistant of II qualification category |
Goncharova Galina Zinovievna | Laboratory assistant of II qualification category |
Andriyanova Yana Igorevna | specialist |