Head of the Chair – Shahab Siyamak Nasser, PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Phone: +375 17 299-01-98
Address: Dolgobrodskaya str., 23/1, 220070, room 308
E-mail: kbb@iseu.by

The history of the chair as an independent division of International Sakharov Environmental Institute of BSU begins in October 1995, when the Chair of Radiobiology was established. In 2000, the Chair was transformed into Biochemistry and Biophysics Chair during the structural reorganization of Environmental Medicine and Radiobiology Faculty, and from September 1, 2017 into the Chair of Environmental Chemistry and Biochemistry.
The main activity of the chair is to organize and implement educational process in chemical disciplines at all levels: bachelor’s degree (majors in Medical and Biological Science, Medical Ecology, Environmental Protection, Information Systems and Technologies, Nuclear and Radiation Safety, Energy Efficient Technologies and Energy Management, Medical Physics), master’s degree (Ecology), postgraduate course (major in 03.01.04 Biochemistry).
The curricula, implemented by the chair, are developed following the latest achievements in chemistry and pedagogy. Advanced educational technologies and technical means are widely used in the educational process.
Graduates can work as medical information system specialists, laboratory technicians, researchers, teachers of chemistry, biology, and ecology.
№ | Discipline | Faculty | Specialty | Approval Date |
1 | Biological Physics | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 01 05 – Medical Ecology; 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 15.06.2018 |
2 | Biotechnological module. Medical biotechnology | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 80 05 – Medical and Biological Science, major in Medical Biochemistry | 18.06.2019 |
3 | Biotechnological module. Molecular biology of viruses and antiviral therapy. | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 80 05 – Medical and Biological Science | 14.06.2019 |
4 | Biotechnological module. Enzymatic regulation of metabolism | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 80 05 – Medical and Biological Science | 14.06.2019 |
5 | Biotechnology | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 01 05 – Medical Ecology | 27.03.2017 |
6 | Biotechnology | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 29.03.2016 |
7 | Biochemistry | Environmental Monitoring | 1-31 04 05 – Medical Physics | 23.06.2016 |
8 | Biophysics | Environmental Monitoring | 1-31 04 05 – Medical Physics | 23.06.2016 |
9 | Large Special Practice Center(BSP) | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 25.04.2019 |
10 | Diagnostic module. Biochemistry of tumor growth | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 80 05 – Medical and Biological Sciences, major in Medical Biochemistry | 14.06.2019 |
11 | Diagnostic module. Clinical laboratory diagnostics | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 80 05 – Medical and Biological Sciences | 18.06.2019 |
12 | Diagnostic module. Methods of clinical biochemistry | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 80 05 – Medical and Biological Sciences, major in Medical Biochemistry | 18.06.2019 |
13 | Diagnostic module. Pathobiochemistry | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 80 05 – Medical and Biological Sciences, major in Medical Biochemistry | 14.06.2019 |
14 | Laboratory diagnostics | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 09.02.2017 |
15 | Medical Physics | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 01 05 – Medical Ecology; 1-80 02 01-Biomedical Engineering | 13.02.2017 |
16 | Medical Physics | Environmental Monitoring | 1-40 05 01-07 – Information Systems and Technologies (in healthcare) | 22.12.2016 |
17 | Methods of clinical biochemistry and biophysics | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 01 05 – Medical Ecology | 27.03.2017 |
18 | Methods of clinical biochemistry and biophysics | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 07.02.2017 |
19 | Methods of structural biology in the study of protein function | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 23.03.2016 |
20 | Module Information technologies and data processing. Statistical methods in medicine | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01-Medical and Biological Science | 18.06.2019 |
21 | Module Computer modeling in biology and medicine. Visualization of biomedical information | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 16.05.2019 |
22 | Module Computer modeling in biology and medicine. Computer modeling of biologically active substances | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 16.05.2019 |
23 | Module Microbiology and molecular biotechnology. Vector systems | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Biomedical Engineering, major in Cytogenetics | 18.06.2019 |
24 | Module Microbiology and molecular biotechnology. Cellular biotechnology | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Biomedical Engineering, major in Cytogenetics | 18.06.2019 |
25 | Chemistry Module | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 01 05 – Medical Ecology | 18.06.2019 |
26 | Chemistry-1 module. Analytical Chemistry | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 19.12.2018 |
27 | Chemistry-1 module. Physical and colloidal Chemistry | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 19.03.2019 |
28 | Chemistry-2 module. General Biochemistry | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 18.06.2019 |
29 | Chemistry-2 module. Organic Chemistry | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 18.04.2019 |
30 | Ecological medicine module. Environmental toxicology | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 80 01 – Ecology, major in Medical Ecology | 18.06.2019 |
31 | Ecological medicine module. Environmental Pharmacology | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 80 01 – Ecology, major in Medical Ecology | 18.06.2019 |
32 | Molecular biology of viruses and antiviral therapy | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 13.02.2017 |
33 | Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 01 05 – Medical Ecology; 1-80 02 01 – Biomedical Engineering | 03.02.2016 |
34 | Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 19.04.2016 |
35 | General and Inorganic Chemistry | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 28.06.2018 |
36 | General and environmental Biochemistry | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 01 05 – Medical Ecology | 21.10.2014 |
37 | Fundamentals of medical knowledge. General and private pharmacology | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 01 05 – Medical Ecology | 29.05.2015 |
38 | Fundamentals of pharmacology | Environmental Monitoring | 1-40 05 01-07-Information Systems and Technologies (in healthcare) | 21.01.2014 |
39 | General and private pharmacology | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 19.05.2016 |
40 | Pathobiochemistry | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 19.05.2015 |
41 | Statistical methods in medicine | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 01 05 – Medical Ecology; 1-80 02 01 – Biomedical Engineering | 24.04.2014 |
42 | Pharmacological module. Clinical pharmacology | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 80 05 – Medical and Biological Science, major in Medical Biochemistry | 16.05.2019 |
43 | Chemistry | Environmental Monitoring | 1-31 04 05 – Medical Physics | 28.06.2018 |
44 | Chemistry | Environmental Monitoring | 1-33 01 07 – Environmental Protection Activity | 17.04.2019 |
45 | Chemistry | Environmental Monitoring | 1-40 05 01 – Information Systems and Technologies (majors in) | 28.06.2018 |
46 | Chemistry | Environmental Monitoring | 1-43 01 06 – Energy Efficient Technologies and Energy Management | 18.06.2019 |
47 | Chemistry. General and inorganic chemistry. Organic Chemistry | Environmental Monitoring | 1-100 01 01 – Nuclear and Radiation Safety | 18.06.2019 |
48 | Chemical and analytical methods in ecology (BSP) | Environmental Medicine | 1-33 01 05 – Medical Ecology | 25.04.2019 |
49 | Chemistry and biochemistry of carbohydrates | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 09.02.2017 |
50 | Chemistry of natural and synthetic lipids | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science | 21.05.2015 |
51 | Pharmacological module. Clinical pharmacology | Environmental Medicine | 1-80 02 01 – Medical and Biological Science, major in Medical Biochemistry | 19.12.2019 |
Main research directions:
- Molecular markers of negative chemical and physical environmental factor impact on the human body.
- Non-enzymatic carbohydrate modifications of transport proteins of blood.
- Preparation and characterization of low-and high-molecular compounds, including markers of environmental impacts that have diagnostic and therapeutic significance.
- Enzymatic transformation of nucleic acids and their components.
- Synthesis and determination of the structure of low-molecular biologically active compounds.
- State Research Institution «Institute of Microbiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»;
- State Research Institution «Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»;
- Healthcare Institution «National Anti-Doping Laboratory»;
- Republican Unitary Enterprise «Research and Practical Hygiene Center»;
- State Enterprise SPC LOTHIOS, Department of Industrial Biotechnology;
- State Research Institution «B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Academic Staff
Full name | Discipline taught |
Bakunovich Andrey Valerievich, senior lecturer | Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering Medical Physics Biochemistry |
Bogdanova Nataliya Valerievna, senior lecturer | General Biochemistry General and Environmental Biochemistry of BSP Pathobiochemistry Diagnostic module. Pathobiochemistry / Biochemistry of the tumor process |
PhD in Biology, Associate Professor | Medical Biotechnology Physical and Colloidal Chemistry Biotechnological module Molecular Biology of Viruses and Antiviral Therapy Radiation research markers |
Zinchenko Anatoly Nikolaevich, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor in Biology, Professor | Molecular Biology of Viruses and Antiviral Therapy |
Doctor in Chemistry, Professor | Organic Chemistry Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry Methods of structural biology in the study of protein function |
senior lecturer | General and Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry |
lecturer | |
PhD in Biology, Associate Professor | Methods of clinical biochemistry and biophysics Laboratory diagnostics Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering Diagnostics Module. Pathobiochemistry / Biochemistry of the tumor process |
PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor | BSP General and Organic Chemistry |
PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor | Module «Computer modeling of biologically active substances Visualization of biomedical information» Physical and Colloidal Chemistry |
Stati Nikita Viktorovich, trainee lecturer | |
Stasyuk Anastasiya Alexandrovna , trainee lecturer | |
Borstok Elena Petrovna, senior lecturer | |
Atroshko Mikhail Alexandrovich, lecturer |
Educational Support Staff
Khariton Polina Sergeevna | Laboratory assistant of I qualification category |
But Alexandra Evgenievna | Laboratory assistant of I qualification category |
Rabchuk Valentina Nikolaevna | Laboratory assistant of I qualification category |
Proskuryakova Alina Alekseevna | Laboratory asssistant |
Stepanova Elena Nikolaevna | Specialist |