Head of the Chair – PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Pashinskiy Vasiliy Antonovich
Phone: +375 17 361 61 12
Specialists: +375 17 361 61 12
Address: Botanicheskaya str., 15, room 218
E-mail: et@iseu.by

The Chair of Environmental Engineering was founded on November 27, 2008, due to the opening of the specialties “Energy Efficient Technologies and Energy Management” and “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” at ISEU on 01.09.2008 and the need for special technical disciplines teaching.
Reason: the University Council decision on 27.11.2008 and Rector’s Order No. 29-a dated on 28.11.2008.
On September 1, 2010, to improve the specialist training in the specialties 1-43 01 06 07 “Management of Renewable Energy Resources”, 1-43 01 06 “Energy Efficient Technologies and Energy Management”, the Department of Environmental Engineering was transformed into the Chair of Energy Efficient Technologies.
Reason: the University Council decision on 22.06.2010 and Rector’s Order No. 62-o dated on 30.08.2010.
The academic staff of the chair includes 11 lecturers including 1 Doctor in Technical Sciences, six PhDs in Technical Sciences who provides training in 37 different disciplines.
- Organize and carry out educational and scientific-methodological work on academic subjects taught at the chair.
- Implement educational process.
- Organize and carry out research on the chair profile.
- Train research and pedagogical workers, develop their professional skills.
Research activity main directions:
The main research topic of the chair is “Fundamentals and methods of assessing the potential of renewable energy resources in the territory of the Republic of Belarus”
The chair provides courses for students of the Faculty of Environmental Monitoring of I stage of higher education:
- «Automated energy management systems»;
- «Bioenergetics»;
- «Introduction to the specialty»;
- «Wind Power industry»;
- «Renewable energy sources»;
- «Secondary energy resources»;
- «Hydroelectric power Engineering»;
- «Geothermal energy»;
- «Engineering graphics»;
- «Engineering and Computer Graphics»;
- «Materials science and technology of structural materials»;
- «Medical electronics and measurement automation. Medical Electronics»;
- «Medical electronics and measurement automation. Measurement automation in medicine»;
- «Management of renewable energy resources»;
- «Metrology, standardization and certification»;
- «Metrology, standardization, certification»;
- «Fluid and Gas Mechanics»;
- “Continuum Mechanics»;
- «Modeling and optimization of energy processes»;
- «Modeling and optimization of energy processes and RES devices/RES Energy Management»;
- «Installation and operation of renewable energy installations/Basics of designing renewable energy facilities»
- «New fuels and integrated energy generation systems»;
- «Fundamentals of scientific research and innovation activity»;
- «Fundamentals of designing renewable energy facilities»;
- «Applied Mechanics»;
- «Production, transport and consumption of thermal energy»;
- «Production, transport and electricity consumption»;
- «Computer-aided design systems»;
- «Heat transfer»;
- «Teplotekhnika»;
- «Fuel and its use»;
- «Accounting, control and regulation of energy resources»;
- «Electronics and measurement automation»;
- «Electrical engineering»;
- «Operation of power plants»;
- «Energy audit and management»;
- «Energy planning and finance in the field of energy saving»;
- «Energy-converting machines»;
- «Energy consumption in buildings and structures»;
- «Efficiency of energy systems».
The chair provides courses for students of the Faculty of Environmental Monitoring of II stage of higher education (Master’s course):
1-43 81 01 «Management of renewable energy resources»:
- «Automated systems for monitoring and accounting of energy resources»;
- «Bioenergetics»;
- «Wind Power industry»;
- «Hydroelectric power industry»;
- «Management of renewable energy sources»;
- «Modeling and optimization of energy processes and devices»;
- «Installation and operation of renewable energy installations» / «Basics of designing renewable energy facilities»;
- «New fuels and integrated energy generation systems»;
- «Fundamentals of scientific research and innovation activity»;
- «Solar and geothermal energy»;
- «Power supply of enterprises» / «Heat supply of enterprises»;
- «Energy planning and finance in the field of energy saving»;
- «Energy consumption in buildings and structures».
1-31 81 13 «Medical Physics»:
- «Measurement automation in medicine»;
- «Design of medical information systems»;
- «Digital signal processing in medicine».
Research activities of the chair’s staff and students are aimed at developing “Technical aspects of environmental education in the field of energy-efficient technologies and energy management of renewable resources”.
The chair includes the following laboratories:
- laboratory of Biogas technologies;
- laboratory of Continuum mechanics;
- laboratory of Electronics and Environmental Informatics;
- laboratory of Heat engineering;
- laboratory of Fuel and its use;
- laboratory of Electrical equipment;
- laboratory of Accounting, control and regulation of energy resources.

Academic staff
Full name | Discipline taught |
Pashinsky Vasily Antonovich, Head of the Chair PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor | Production, transportation, and electricity consumption; Efficiency of energy systems; Energy planning and finance in the field of energy saving; Operation of power plants; |
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor | Applied Mechanics; Material science and technology of structural materials |
Artemchuk Sergey Veniaminovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor | Fluid and gas mechanics; Continuum mechanics; Hydroelectric power industry; Wind power industry; Energy-converting machines; |
Shulya Yuliya Mikhailovna, Senior lecturer | Management of renewable energy resources; Production, transport and consumption of thermal energy |
Butko Andrey Anatolevich, Senior lecturer | New types of fuel and integrated energy generation systems; Fundamentals of designing renewable energy facilities; |
Ivanov Dmitry Mikhailovich senior lecturer | |
Basko Svetlana Grigorievna senior lecturer | |
Educational support staff | |
Kostyuchenko Anna Vladimirovna | Laboratory assistant of I qualification category |
Lychik Viktoria Sergeevna, engineer | |
Sivuha Valeria Viktorovna, engineer |